Chapter 31 - ''She's all yours.''

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All the eyes were on them.

Katara has never been more stressed in her life. Even the invasion felt like nothing compared to this.

She plastered a smile to her face, just like Zuko did. People before them spread out as he led her to the center of the ballroom. An upbeat music loudly played in her ears, to the rhythm of her own heart.

A mixture of different kind of horns, drums and pipas sounded throughout the hall. Zuko let go of her and stood right in front.

''What do I do now?'' she nervously looked around. Her arms felt woozy and limp from all the alcohol.

Zuko put his two fingers under her chin, lifting it up so Katara glared at him. ''Just follow my lead.''

''Right,'' she mumbled.

Zuko moved a bit further away, bowing low at his waist. She returned the gesture as the melody sounded louder.

Their wrists crossed in the air between them. Katara already knew what to do; it was the same dance she once enjoyed with Aang. Years ago, in a cave full of teenagers.

Zuko started walking in circles; Katara chasing him with their skin still touching. Switching the hands, they copied the movement in another direction. The whispers started spreading across the room.

''Zuko, everyone's watching,'' she whispered. Her head started spinning.

''Let them. I don't care what they think'' he shrugged. The music was being played faster now. He surveyed her body and Katara felt like something crawled up her leg. ''I bet you hate that dress.''

The waterbender smiled broadly. He was the first person to notice that this attire was not cut out for her at all. ''I do.''

Zuko suddenly grabbed her hand, pushing her toward himself. Swaying, she managed to bend her knee as he did. Straightening up, they both spun around. Leaning in, their noses almost touched. She was pretty sure someone gasped behind them.

Katara was going to check who that was but Zuko caught her chin again. She saw little droplets of sweat covering his forehead. ''It's just you and me.''

Blinking, she nodded slowly so he let her go.

The Fire Lord performed a series of star jumping while Katara swayed her hips to the beat of the drum. Her skin was burning. She twirled with her eyes half open. Feeling slightly faint, she stopped.

That was when Zuko pulled her toward him. She gasped as she felt herself falling but his hand was already on her back. She stuck out her leg, Zuko throwing his other arm in the air.

Both breathing heavily, the music faded into the background as people started applauding them. Zuko's arms darkened as he stared down at her with such an intense expression on his face, her cheeks grew hot.

Spirits, she felt as though she was on fire.

Katara was grinning at Zuko even though she thought he slightly leaned in. To everyone else, they were frozen, unmoving. Just staring at each other with an intent that was unmistakable.

Shaking his head, as if out of a daze, Zuko helped her up. She nearly tripped into his arms so he held her waist firmly. Even through the material of her dress, she could sense how hot his palms were.

Aang cleared his throat and they both jumped away from each other. Katara glanced at the Avatar, noticing how his brows furrowed. Zuko took another step away.

''I'd like to dance with my girlfriend,'' he announced, such condemnation in his tone. ''That is, if you don't mind, Zuko.''

Katara noticed how he did not use the firebender's title. Even though she was quiet sure people around them were listening in on them.

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