Chapter 28 - ''What about Mai?''

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Katara knew this day would be huge for Aang.

King Kuei was coming. 

Waking up in the morning, her stomach rumbled with unease. Taking a big breath in, she stepped out of her bed. Her bare feet hit the cold marble stone. Looking over her shoulder, she's noticed Zuko was still asleep.

He came to her at night. She didn't exactly know at what point but when she turned to the other side, she almost jumped out of her skin. The firebender was deeply sleeping. Snoring, even. She didn't dare to wake him up.

Nor did she want to.

He still had his attire on; surely uncomfortable Fire Lord crimson robes that she, for some reason, disliked. The only thing that he managed to take off was the crown headpiece. It shined in the Sun rays on her dresser now.

Approaching it, Katara felt the time slow.

She didn't know why or how but when she touched it, she heard whispers. Frowning, she picked it up.

It held such power. It didn't even weight much but she imagined it was heavy on Zuko's head.

Shaped like the Fire Nation insignia featuring five prongs, the edges sharp as the knife. Something crawled up her spine.

Katara looked up at the mirror in front of her. Holding the piece in one hand, she tilted her head. The voices in her head became louder. But it was like they were speaking in another language.

She couldn't understand what they were saying.

Her eyes widened as the reflection of her started smiling. A genuine chuckle echoed in her ears as the Katara she was staring at put the crown piece in her hair.

Shaking her head, she closed her eyes but the imagine remained. The laughter became louder but it wasn't at all malicious. It sounded like she was happy.

Whatever her mind crafted up, it wasn't to scare her she supposed. 

But it still did. 

Her heart beating fast, she wrapped her hands around her head, the crown hitting the floor loudly. ''Get out,'' she whispered to whichever Spirit was toying with her. ''Get out of my head!''

Noise slowly faded. Still with her eyes shut, she exhaled.

''What are you doing?'' Zuko mumbled from his spot on the bed and Katara straightened up at once. She whipped toward him, noticing the tired expression. 

Propped up on his elbows, his forehead creased.  

''Nothing,'' she giggled nervously. ''I just thought I saw something in the mirror.''

His left eyebrow rose up. ''Like what?''

''I'm not quite sure,'' Katara muttered. She picked up the crown piece, inspecting it for any damage. Relief flooded her chest once she realized it was still a whole. ''Thank the Spirits.''

''I hate that thing anyways,'' Zuko shrugged. 


Carefully placing the symbol of his rule over the Fire Nation, she backed away from the dresser. Not even sparing a glance in the mirror. She was afraid she'd see it again. 

Whatever it was.

Zuko sighed heavily, sitting up. His shoulders curved inward, his head dropped low. He looked so un-Lord like, Katara surveyed him for a second. 

''I always knew I was the heir to the throne,'' he swallowed hard. His eyes averted hers, peeking through the uncovered windows. ''Even when my father banished me, the thought of inheriting all of the Fire Nation kept me on track. Find the Avatar, come back home, earn my father's gratitude. Eventually, he'd have to pass the crown to one of his children. I hoped that if I'd bring him the Avatar, he would choose me.''

Zuko grimaced and the tips of his fingers touched the scar left by his own father. Katara heard that story. Knowing how painful it was for him, she sat down on the bed. Her thigh grazing his own, he glared up at her. His hand dropped. ''He gave up the throne to Azula. I remember.''

''All because I didn't kill Aang,'' Zuko nodded. ''If I knew it'd be like this, I would've let her rule over the Fire Nation. I would... I would disappear and never come back here again.''

It sounded to her like he's already thought about it. It wasn't the first time he's felt that way. Perhaps this suffering has been stretching for a long time now. 

Nonetheless, Katara could never imagine Azula being the Fire Lord. She believed her ruthlessness would be even worse than Ozai's. 

''I can't blame you for it,'' she admitted. His eyes snapped to hers, widening. She offered up a shy smile. ''I mean, it is a lot of responsibility. Especially since you stepped up so soon after your father's defeat. It couldn't have been easy.''

''It wasn't.''

Katara would never know what it feels like to be a leader of the nation. She was glad of it, of course. She often thought of her own father's burden. How Sokka must feel knowing he'll be accountable for so many lives, making the most difficult decisions. 

Of course, Sokka would have Suki to help him. 

Zuko had no one. 

''Why did you never marry?'' Katara asked bluntly. 

The firebender's nostrils flared. ''That's what everyone wants me to do right?'' his laugh was emotionless. Empty. ''Secure my rule by marrying a Lady and then sire an heir. Sounds easy doesn't it?'' 

''Zuko, I didn't mean it like that,'' she grabbed his shoulder. He refused to look at her though. He felt too vulnerable now. Too exposed. ''I just thought you might want to share this burden with someone.''

Zuko scoffed. ''I will marry out of duty to my nation. I will. But it has to be someone I choose myself. Not just anyone they throw at me.''

''What about Mai?'' Katara blurted. 

As if he was burnt, the Fire Lord suddenly moved away from her. His accusing eyes scanned her, darkening dangerously. The waterbender blushed, scowling at herself for saying such a stupid thing. ''Mai is gone. I have no love left for her. Or anyone else.''

Katara stood up, frowning. ''What happened between you two?''

Zuko growled. He also rose from the bed, his robes swooshing to the floor. ''That's none of your business.''

Something pierced through her chest. He was acting so strange. So different. 

She knew she asked the wrong question. And he was right, it had nothing to do with her. But she opened up to him so many times... Did she not deserve the same kind of trust? 

''Alright,'' Katara spit out. ''You don't have to tell me anything. I'm used to being kept in the dark,'' she willed her voice not to break. He didn't deserve to know how much it hurt her for him to be so secretive. ''And it's not like we're together or anything. In fact, we don't even need to talk. We can just enjoy each other's bodies and be on our way.''

''Fine,'' Zuko crossed his arms. He did not move an inch.


''Fine,'' he repeated, watching her. She rushed to the door. 

''Fine!'' Katara yelled, storming out of the room. 

Blinded by anger, her fists clenched, she made her way to the other side of the Palace. 

To Aang. 


Hey babies!

I'm so sorry it took so long and it's short. 

I've been having a tough time lately. 

Love, Ronnie. 

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