Chapter 20 - ''Love is brightest in the dark.''

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Katara spent the next few days keeping busy. She forgave Sokka after he kept following her and apologizing. The bruise faded long time ago so she had nothing to explain to Aang. Especially since the Avatar was oblivious to whatever he thought set Zuko off during their practice. Whether he chose to ignore it or simply did not care what was the reason for firebender's anger, he did not let on.

Katara finally wrote her father few letters. She told him about the first meeting. How unsuccessful it was. She mentioned Aang's confidence in his cause. The young airbender had a plan though. Just because the Fire Nation did not agree to share their territory with the rest of the world, didn't mean the other nations would be as unwilling.

Especially the Earth King. Who absolutely adored the Team Avatar and was so easy going, Katara would bet good money that Aang would have no trouble convincing him. Meaning they could finally start the building process of the Republic City.

Katara informed Hakoda of her relationship with Aang. She hoped he would be happy for her. The Chief of Southern Water Tribe did not have much affection towards Aang except the gratitude for saving the world. He always approved of his children's friendship with the Avatar though. Just never really had a chance to connect with him on a deeper level.

Katara couldn't blame him. After all, he did not spend years with him like she had. Her father was a busy man just like her boyfriend was. Thinking about it, she's never seen them having a conversation other than during the strategy meetings and exchanging greetings.

After signing the letter, she put the pen down. Zuko automatically looked up at her.

''You finished?'' Katara nodded, Zuko closed the book he was reading. He put it on his lap, leaning back in the chair. ''You tired?''

It was very late, she's realized glancing at the candle standing in the corner. She's spent few hours in the library with Zuko. He had some of his own letters to catch up on but growing tired of it, he picked up a book while Katara struggled with her own correspondence.

''No,'' she replied, pointing at the black covered novel resting on his lap. She couldn't make out the title from her own chair. ''What were you reading?''

Zuko scratched his head. ''Just some story.''

''What's it about?'' Katara could clearly see his cheeks becoming red. Well, now she would most definitely not let it go.

She stood up, planning to take the book from him. Zuko snatched it behind his back as soon as she made a movement. ''Katara, leave it.''

''Why?'' she tilted her head, the mischievous grin appeared on her face. ''Let me see.''

She put out her hand.


Katara rolled her eyes. Fine, she'd get it herself. ''You asked for it.''

As fast as she could, Katara reached behind Zuko. She put her arms around his torso to grab the book. Her back ached as it was bent in most uncomfortable position, making her lean in further. Her cheek touched his chest. The scent of burnt wood hit her.

''Come on!'' she mumbled into his scarlet blouse.

She felt vibrations under her skin, followed by a sound of laughter. ''It'll have to take more than that, waterbender.'' Frowning, Katara groaned. She tried reaching one more time but Zuko just pushed into the back of his chair, making it impossible for her to even move her hands. ''See? Now you're trapped.''

Katara leaned her chin away to look at him. His hands holding the book somewhere behind his back, his expression was clearly showing how entertaining it was for him. She writhed but the Fire Lord did not cease. He let out a throaty laugh. ''You ready to give up?''

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