Chapter Seven

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A Whiff of Danger

-Outside Vale-
-Flooded Dockyard-
-Scarlet Melo-

A woman blinks into a building, her hand holding her face, a scarring wound across her cheek... No mask hides her red hair and dark green eyes, "Scarlet." The woman turns, three men wearing similar outfits to her own sit atop a bookshelf.

"Triplets." She responds, "Damn it, I need to get faster, huh." She groans leaning against a crate.

"Yes, you do." The oldest speaks, "You dropped time, actually... You've gone down the list." He hums, the middle and youngest chuckle quietly.

"She must be real messed up about that Attano kid killing her buddy." The youngest laughs, leaning onto his knees.

"Fuck off." Scarlet growls, "He was better... But I'm determined, and I'll kill him for killing Lavi." This causes the middle and youngest to laugh again.

"Unfortunately, Daud wants you to stay, he thinks you've gone soft." The oldest smirks beneath his gasmask, "No more missions, no more training, no more hunting the Attano."

"I don't give a fuck what Daud wants!" Scarlet turns to face them, her voice loud.

"You should." Her eyes widen and she turns and spots him, he's a foot away, his hand on his sword... Daud.

"Daud! I-I'm sorry! I-I

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"Daud! I-I'm sorry! I-I... I didn't-" - S

"Quiet." He orders, and she does so, her shoulders slumping, her head hanging, "I told both you and Lavi to wait until the Attano got the rune to the school."

"W-We thought-" - S

"Your thinking got Lavi killed." Daud leans forward, "And made us lose an opportunity to get into Beacon." He then walks past Scarlet and towards a shelf, brushing dust off a label to a wine.

"Which is why..." He turns, now holding the wine, "You four are here." He sets the bottle on a crate, "You four will be joining Beacon Academy, it'll be strange to join late, so you'll have to play the part."

"W-What?" Scarlet shakes her head a bit, "H-How?" Daud glances up to the triplets, who drop off the bookshelf.

"You're going back to school." - D.

-Beacon Academy-
-Arno Attano-

Lunch time, as luck would have it, Arno's father brought food from home, which Arno just... Had to take a bit of... Okay, all of it, he took his father's lunch.

"Mr. Attano." Arno glances to his right form his seated position, Weiss carries a tray of nicely made food, "May I sit here?"

"Of course, Miss Schnee," He smiles, scooting a bit to the left so that Weiss can sit beside him, "How has your day been, Weiss?"

"Quite well," She smiles, it's slight, and barely noticeable, but Arno's keen eyes catch it, "I have to ask... What is it you're eating?"

"Hm?" Arno glances down at the food, it's very... Vacuoan... It's a nice mix of spiced meats and hearty breads, and a fruit from his father's homeland, a tyvian pear, "It's spiced meat, it's from Vacuo... My father brought it."

"...Brought it for you?" - W.

"Ah, no, I stole it." Arno chuckles, "He'd be proud of me for not being noticed, but he may be upset he's lost this apricot tartlet." Weiss hums, looking at the treat.

"Would you like one, Miss Schnee?" He gently grabs one of the treats and holds it up, towards Weiss.

"...Maybe just a bite." As she leans in to bite it, Arno flinches, something smacking into the back of his head.

Snickering is heard behind them, and they both glance back, team CRDL, Cardins team, is laughing at their table, one of them having thrown the food at Arno.

"Savages, your hair is all-" A second later, team CRDL is absolutely coated in food, all groaning and shouting, Arno is sat beside Weiss, a smile on his lips, he glances at her.

"It's no longer an issue." He returns to eating, Weiss then looks down, the tartlet he offered her is sat neatly in the center of the tray.

"How did you do that..?" She glanced back at team CRDL who is leaving the cafeteria, then back at her tray.

"Maybe I'll tell you another time." He smiles, then returns to his food.

-Bullhead Dockyard-
-Scarlet Melo-

"Remember your covers." Daud leads the four to a corner of a roof, then peeks down, the Bullhead Dockyards, where a Bullhead can take them to Beacon, is set and ready, "Scarlet?"

"Letta Ola, I'm from Vacuo, I'm coming to Beacon to provide for my sickly sister." Daud nods, then turns to the Triplets.

"Razz, Gazz, and Mazz." The youngest smiles, the oldest simply groans.

"The dumbest names to ever exist..." Razz, the oldest, shakes his head, Gazz the middle child, is indifferent, and Mazz, the youngest, is obviously happy with his choice of names.

"We're coming to Beacon so we can keep the family business going on the outskirts of Mantle!" Mazz beams, Daud simply sighs.

"Whatever gets the job done," He glances at Scarlet, "Remember your objective?" She nods.

"Find the rune, kill Attano, leave." She glares, Daud nods, turning to the Dockyard.

"Go." - D.

The four take off, blinking off the roof and over the fence into the Dockyard, Scarlet pulls her sword from her belt as she turns a corner, kicking a security mechs knee out, then stabbing it in the neck.

Mazz runs past, slamming his sword into the chest of another, as he pulls his blade free, the mech vanishes, the four resume running towards a Bullhead, its engines whirring to life.

As it begins to rise, the four blink up, Razz going through a window, which the others follow him through.

"Remember, we belong, we're not assassins, we're students." Scarlet flares at the triplets, "Act stupid and incompetent if you have to."

The four walk through a door into a crowd of students, glancing around before finding their seats... Scarlet sits closest to the window, staring out.

"I'm going to kill you Arno Attano... And I'm going to savor every drop of blood I get from you." She drags a finger across her scar, scowling...


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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