Chapter Six

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Like Father Like Son

-Beacon Academy-
-Arno Attano-

"If Arno could come to the front, I'd like you to showcase to the class how this will go." The back wall, just behind Corvo's new desk, slides apart, revealing a small sparring ring.

"His only goal is to defeat his opponent, however he sees fit." Arno walks shifts from his desk, slipping behind a few people, his boots loud against the wooden floor, "Get in your combat gear, and be ready."

A few minutes later, and Arno returns from the connected locker room, his opponent is standing in the circle already... Cardin Winchester, a lumbering meathead, he's strong, and his mace will cause some serious damage, but he's slow... Kind of arrogant.

Arno steps into the ring, grabbing his mask from his belt, he places it up on his face, then pulls his coat's hood up... Then he grabs his sword, flipping it a few times before settling his grip.

"Pssh, it looks like a toothpick." Cardin scoffs, a smirk crosses Arno's lips beneath his mask, the two square off, starting to circle the arena...

Cardin is the first to rush forward, mace raised, his voice grows louder as he yells, Arno shifts forward, then drops, he kicks a leg out, then spins...

He sweeps his leg, tripping Cardin, the boy falls to his side, landing hard his armor crashing loudly, "Ugh!" Arno then stands, dropping his blade low, the tip near Cardins neck.

"Do you wield?" Cardin grunts, then swings his arm, his mace hitting Arno's sword away, then swings again, forcing Arno to dash backwards, as he moves smoke surrounds his form, then dissipates as he slides to a stop, "Very well."

Cardin stands, then rolls the shoulder he landed on, "You're gonna regret that." Arno tilts his head a bit, then shifts his stance, blade held out in front of him, his right hand held back behind him.

On the sidelines, Corvo's eyes widened at the sight of his son evade... He looks down at his wrapped left hand, then notices Arno's hand is also tightly wrapped in black cloth.

Arno drops beneath a wild side swipe, then hops up, bringing his foot up to kick Cardin in the ribs, then brings his sword back, he feigns a straight stab but twists his arm, swiping Cardins aura.

As Arno rolls away, he pops up, "You've still got time to wield before you embarrass yourself!" Cardin scoffs a groan, then runs forward, bringing his weapon to the side, "As you wish!"

Arno suddenly bursts forward, smoke trailing him as he shoulder checks Cardin, causing him to cough, before the meathead can react, Arno jumps off Cardins knee.

Bringing his legs high... He kicks out with both feet, slamming them into Cardins chest in a brutal dropkick, sending the boy back to the floor.

Arno flips before he lands, then brushes off his clothing, "And the winner of the bout, is Arno Attano." Arno turns to the class, and bows his head, right hand held to his stomach, left outstretched to his side.

Cardin groans as he stands up, the two students walk off the stage, Arno removes his mask as he takes his seat, "That, is how this class will be." Corvo looks around the room, snickering is heard from Cardins team as he sits with them.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Ruby's whisper isn't much of a whisper, she's smiling widely, Weiss on the other hand, quietly congratulates Arno's swordsmanship, which he happily (and quietly) accepts.

"This class will be pitting you against each other..." Corvo glances at the students, "I don't much care for people who cannot backup their words with their steel." A few of the students gulp nervously.

Minutes pass, students spar, winning and losing... And when the class ends, Corvo turns to his son as the other students stand and begin exiting the class, Arno simply stares at his father, his right hand resting over the back of his left.

As the last students exit the class, Corvo gets closer to Arno's desk, "He came to you, didn't he?" Corvo pulls the wraps from his left hand, the same mark that's burned into Arno's hand printed in place.

"...Yeah." Arno shifts his hands, unwrapping his left, whispers come from the mark as he shows it to his father, Corvo hums deeply, "He told me something about a woman named Salem... And that someone in her... Circle or whatever, is going to infiltrate Beacon."

"Hm," Corvo rubs his chin, the name is new... "What about that rune you found?"

"Wh-" - A.

"I felt it," Corvo smiles slightly, a rare sight, "Followed my heartbeat to your dorm."

Arno nervously rubs his wrist, "I found it at the ruins in the forest, then I was attacked by Whalers, which you know already." Arno stands as his father walks towards the door.

"Guess we should tell Ozpin." - C.

"Tell him what? The Whale god came to me in my dreams and told me about a cursed woman?" Arno scoffs, his coattails sway behind him, his boots loud on the floor as they near the door.

"If not that, then at least who the Outsider is." Corvo grabs the door and pulls it open, two three people fall through the door and land in a pile at the two Attanos' feet.

"...Ruby? Jaune?" Arno looks down at them, Ruby, Jaune, and a girl with orange hair look up, Arno's eyes widen and he brings his left hand behind his back, hiding the mark.

"O-Oh! Uh, hey Arno!" Ruby jumps off the pile, brushing off her clothing, next is the girl with orange hair, Jaune is still lying on the floor, the fall having knocked the air from his lungs.

"Shouldn't you all be at lunch?" Corvo looks between them, Jaune groans as he finally stands.

"We-uh... We're waiting for Arno! Yep." Ruby smiles, trying her hardest to remain calm, but the dead expressions of Corvo and Arno make her break quickly, "Uugh... We were listening in."

"How much did you hear..?" Arno's eyes narrow, his right hand tightening...

"S-Something about an outsider, that's all we heard! I promise!" Jaune stutters out, his shoulders slumped.

"Guess we should tell them..." Arno looks up slightly at his father, who nods, as Arno leads the three into the classroom, Corvo shuts the door, locking it.

"The Outsider is a god." Arno starts, "A Whale god, more specifically... And he's immensely powerful." Arno brings his left hand out, showing the three the mark.

"The Mark of the Outsiders grants us powers, my ability to teleport? It's called blink." Ruby raises her hand, as if to ask a question during a class.

"I thought that was your semblance?" - R.

"Ah... Uh, neither me nor my father actually have semblances." Arno chuckles nervously, "My father thinks it's bad luck," Corvo nods, "But I think the Outsider takes our aura and semblance when he 'gifts' us our marks."

"So, wait... Like... An actual... G-God?" Jaune stutters, his eyes wide.

"Yeah, he gives us the powers, tells us of something that's about to happen, then for his entertainment, we stop the coming catastrophe." Arno sighs.

"But... Why you..?" - R


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