Chapter Five

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Team Initiative

-Beacon Academy-
-Arno Attano-

Arno had slept through most of the ceremony, using the abilities granted by the Outsider takes a toll on ones energy, he may have to contact his father and ask for a delivery of Sokolov's Elixir...

"Ahem," The sound of Ozpin clearing his throat made Arno jump a bit, "Mr. Attano, if you'd come to the stage."

Arno sluggishly stands, but straightens when he realizes EVERYONE is staring at him, possibly gauging whether or not Arno is actually Corvo's son...

Arno rubs the sleep from his eyes as he walks up the few steps onto the stage, he stands beside Ozpin, "Now, by no error on your part, you were unable to find a partner in the Emerald Forest." Ozpin starts, "I had... Miscounted, last night, busy with... Paperwork I'll say, despite my saying failing to find a partner results in expulsion, you saved many lives earlier today."

"Just, doing what's right, Headmaster..." - A.

"Exactly why we're allowing you to remain at Beacon, it would be... Embarrassing sending you home after inviting you out here.." - O.

"So, from this day forward, Arno Attano, you shall be joining Beacon Academy as a solo team," Everyone starts to clap and cheer, "Despite this, you'll be headed on missions and training with various teams." Arno looks shocked.

He shakes his head, then smiles, bowing as he usually does to Ozpin and the crowd, "I am thankful for the chance, Headmaster..."

"I know, Mr. Attano," Ozpin returns the bow, "That is all." Arno walks off stage, still clearly exhausted, walking past a few people...

"Arno!" He turns, spotting Ruby skipping towards him, Yang, Blake and Weiss close behind her, "I'm so happy you got in!"

"Thank you, Ruby... I uh... Sorry, I slept through most of the ceremony, are all four of you on the same team now..?" - A.

"Yep! Teeeam RWBY!" - R.

"...Team Ruby..?" - A.

"No, no! R-W-B-Y!" - R.

Arno recoils a bit, "That uh... What? Team RWBY, led by Ruby..? That shouldn't be confusing..." He shakes his head, "Well, congratulations to you too."

"Thanks!" - R.

Yang cuts in, "So, what're ya' gonna do to celebrate?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Well, get some rest... I'm... Unnaturally exhausted..." - A.

After a bit more conversation, Arno sluggishly walks through the halls, using his scroll to find his dorm... Would he be sharing? Or maybe he's been given a lone room...

The space wold be nice, but he suggests silently that that would be selfish... Even though it sounds really good...

Finding his dorm, he unlocks the door with his scroll then enters, it's the same as every other room, though it only has one bed, Arno silently thanks the Outsider for the lone room...

As he walls over to his bed, he spots a case... A case lots of people use to store Elixirs... Opening it, he spots a note, he grabs it and begins reading...

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