Chapter One

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Vale Skies

-Kitan's Dock & Release-
-Arno Attano-

His boots thumped against the wooden pier, slightly baggy pants are tucked into the boots, leading up to a belt that dips down his right hip, where a hilt resides, on the left of the belt is a metal, lightweight mask, further up, his shirt is dark, hidden beneath his black leather trenchcoat, with a tall neck, and tight hood.

Brown eyes glance around the docks, various ships and boats a moored in place, rocking gently with the waves, his hair is messy, held back in a tight leather band, the cuffs of his coat have a intricate white design, and the buttons and clips traveling up the coats center are golden and white, a stark contrast to the black leather...

"Know where yer headed, kid?" The captain asks, the young man turns slightly, nodding his head.

"Yes, I do, thank you for the ride here sir." He puts a hand to his abdomen, his other outstretched to the side as he bows his head a bit, the captain looks confused a moment then shrugs.

The young man turns and begins walking towards the city, curious eyes staring up at the lights hanging between the houses, occasionally marveling at the brick roads or brick homes or storefronts, it was nothing like this back in Vacuo...

His mask and hilt clink against his belt as he walks, his hood pulled down, his hair bounced with each step, as he walks he stops beside two older women, "Pardon me, do you know where the Bullhead port is?"

The two women glance at him, eyeing him up, one of them practically purrs, "Mmh, maybe, why? Need a 'ride' somewhere, little boy?~"

"Ah, yes actually, I've been invited to Beacon, I'd prefer to not be late on my first day!" He replies, the womans true intentions flying over his head... She sighs.

"Just keep walking down the street, you'll see the Bullheads loading up with students already..." He hows again, much like he did towards the captain, then takes off walking, he had never seen such life in structures before...

Vacuo was barely standing, markets were set up in the streets, sand swept over whatever was dropped, and the desert practically drank the blood from fights into her sands...

But Vale wasn't anything like that, the streets were brick, the sidewalks concrete, stores were brick and had massive windows with words printed on them, lights hung across the buildings and streets.

As he walks in front of a building, an unconscious man is thrown from the window, causing him to jump a bit, hand landing on his hilt...

A girl wearing a red cloak jumps out, a scythe in hand, she lands beside the young man, "Hello! Sorry, bad guy!" He turns, a man wearing a suit with black glasses covering his yes rushes them, he pulls the hilt from his belt and flips it, a straight razor sharp sword blocks an attack.

"Woooah! What kinda weapon is that it's socooldoesittransformintoanythingelse?!"

"W-What?" The young man grunts, pushing the attack back, he then jumps up and forward, kicking the man in the face sending him to the floor, "Sorry, I didn't understand a word of what you said!"

"Oh, your sword! It's cool, does it change into anything else?"

"Uh, no, it's just a sword."

The two sending hear a man chuckling quietly, "Well, you were worth every cent... Truly, you were." His voice is laced with sarcasm as he steps through the broken window, glass crunching underneath his shoes.

"Anyway! Red, Weirdo, I've got places to be, and unfortunately I don't have time to chat with you." He lifts his cane, tightening his bowler hat, the end flicks open.

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