Chapter Two

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A Waking Dream

-Arno Attano-

His eyes open slowly, and he yawns, stretching a bit until his ams push against the ceiling of the capsule, pushing the door open he hops down from the bed, stretching again, he looks around...

A surreal space filled with shifting landscapes, strange architecture, and ethereal lights... This is the Void, a realm between realms, his father told him about it, this is where the Outsider resides...

Arno turns, and The Outsider materializes before him, his presence an unsettling blend of curiosity and detachment, "Arno Attano," he intones, "Your father was of interest to me back in the day... I only hope you may also be."

"Your future is uncertain, even I struggle to glimpse it..." The Outsider crosses his arms, appearing on a rock floating nearby, "But that doesn't matter, I only wonder what you'll do."

"Wh-What I'll do? What's that supposed to-" Arno stops speaking as he grabs his left hand, groaning and seething, his hand trembles as the Mark of The Outsider is burnt onto the back of his hand.

"I'll give you a chance," The Outsider vanishes and appears floating over a ledge, Arno approaches, "Make him proud, Arno."

With that the Outsider vanishes, and Arno is left in the Void, rubble floats around, even a giant whale floats by, humming a low song, it passes infront of Arno, then reveals new platforms.

Remembering the actions his father did when he used the mark, Arno looks at his hand then at the plateform, he clenches his fist and the mark begins to glow, when he releases his hand, he is launched forward, blinking to the new platform.

"Years ago, only days after you were born, your father was accused of murdering the woman he loved, your mother." The Outsiders voice is heard throughout the Void.

Arno blinks to another platform, frozen figures of Corvo holding a dying Jessamine in his hands is seen, "He was arrested, and slated for death, months later he is given the chance to escape prison, and prove that he didn't murder Jessamine..."

Arno blinks forward once again, "After escaping, he was assisted by people who knew something was wrong, and they got to work, revealing the true murderer."

He blinks forward a final time, and a frozen image of Corvo, sword drawn, is confronting a mously man, the Counselor who replaced Jessamine, in Corvo's hand is a scroll, which had recorded the Counselor revealing that he had Jessamine killed so he could take over...

"Corvo succeeded, and his name was cleared, the Counselor was arrested, and your father took to raising you... Though he still had the mark, and things still needed to be done..."

The Outsider appears beside Arno, "A dark future is coming Arno, and I'm afraid it will have to be you that saves the people..."

"What's coming? Can you tell me that? Or was father right about you being helpfully unhelpful."

"Hm," The Outsider smirks, "Salem, the Grimm, they've infiltrated your soon to be allies... I only wonder what you will do to defeat her..."

"...Salem..? Who's-..." The Void darkens, and the Outsider vanishes, a knocking sound is heard...

-Bullhead Portyard-
-Arno Attano-

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