CH: 3 Their Normal

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It has a been a complete month since that horrendous incident, according to shubman and a beautiful one for ishan . Regardless , both of them have not talked to each other since that night . They did share some words and secret glances collectively because it is nearly impossible , impractical and absolutely unprofessional of them to not discuss the important points of their daily practice or to compromize the team's stability for the sake of their personal dispute .

"Hurry up bhai !!, otherwise we are going to reach the stadium by the end of the match" , ishan concernly tells virat while hurriedly tying his shoelaces.

"Mein to ready hi hu but what about others ?--"

"One car has already departed the other is probably waiting for in the parking lot--"

"Ha to chal phir " , virat says as he picks up his sunglasses from the dressing table .


"Finally you both are here i was getting so bored kyunki ye bhaishab apni beauty sleep me busy hain " , hardik says signaling towards siraj who is fast asleep beside him.

"Oye drama queen shubman is here too , to keep you company ,
isn't he? ". Virat says while setting in the front seat besides the driver.

"Yeah but he too busy staring outside the window to talk to me"
Hardik mumbles , emphasing talk a little too much, as he rolls his eyes.

"Ishan , why are standing there like a statue, come inside " . Virat says signaling towards the empty space besides shubman.

Ishan nods before setling down besides shubman . They both stare at each other for sometime before getting on their respective phones for the rest of the journey. Which feels like a eternity, the glances between them expressing all the emotions they have surpassed since a month , the sexaul tension oozing out very thick in the air.


"Finally we are here I'm so excited to see who wins " , siraj exclaims happily .

"Have you never been to a football match before? , Bumrah asks curiously to which siraj moves his head as a no.

All the members settles down , getting totally immersed in the game .



"Well ! I came here on a business trip what about you ? " ,aditi says as she engulfs ishan a hug which made shubman stare furiously at them with an unknown feeling building up in his chest

"We were staying in here for our upcoming match and what's better than a football match with the homies on a day off ---- "

"Well ! I want to introduce you all to aditi, she is a really close friend of mine----"

"this is siraj and shubman you know him already right ?-----"

"Yeah we can see that , ishan" , hardik snickers while wiggling his eyebrows at ishan.

"Are you sure she is just your close friend " , rohit chimes in making a gesture with his fingers emphasing close.

"Bhaiya aap bhi? ----- "

"Ishan, your teammates are really fun to be with " , aditi says , slightly laughing.

"Yes they definitely are ", ishan says with a sigh.

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