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"Before you get upset, I didn't know you two were a thing" he casts a glance towards me before returning his attention to the screen.

I watch as I see him making his way through thick brush towards smoke.

He comes to a clearing, "what the hell?" He mutters to himself, a twig snapping under him. A blazing fire sits infront of him.

A figure darts behind a bush, he doesn't notice.

He scans the scene, noticing a body in the fire, "A body..?" He chooses to ignore it, feeling a presence. As he looks around he sees a bush rustle a bit causing his focus to shift to it.

He sets down his camera, with it still running, getting a full view of the clearing.

"...I see you" he mumbles. He makes his way over, silently.

Peering over, he sees a feminine figure clasping her mouth in an attempt to keep quiet, he shakes his head before yanking her out into the clearing by the neck of her shirt.

Tossing her into the clearing, her body bounces a bit from the impact, a grunt emitting from her. She steadied herself, scrambling backwards. Her face looks tired, stained from tears and soot from the fire.
She watches him like a deer caught in headlights. He inches towards her, she scurries backwards quickly, bumping into a tree, a pained expression showing on her face. Her arms bucking under her.

He reaches down, picking up a pointed stick. Poking it into his leg, testing the sharpness. He looks back at her, a menacing grin spreading on his face under his mask. Hers begins to look more horrified.

He begins an agonizingly slow strut towards her.

He lifts the stick, ready to strike. Suddenly a voice stops him, "Brian! Brian where the hell are you?" He glances at her then towards the voice. An annoyed grunt leaves him. " I found something out about that boy you were hunting!" He looks at her then towards the voice. He drops the stick, puts his index finger up to the smile on his mask, a shushing sound can be heard before he grabs his camera, trotting back into the Forrest.

"Brian what the hell" I look over at him, "I know I can't be mad, you didn't know it was me but you didn't even ask questions about the burning body. Just went for the kill."

He lets out a small chuckle, " wanted to show you, it's really lucky for you and Me that Tim called out for me when he did. I show him all of the footage I get, he knew that was you, but i didn't. If I had followed through before leaving, you and I both would be dead. Im still not quite sure what he is capable of with that mask on. "

Tim squeezes my hand, " he's right."

"So what now?" I look between the both of them, "what do we do now?"
Tim and Brian look at eachother, it feels like they are having a conversation but without talking.

"Let's try your mask out tonight" Tim speaks first, "we need to see if it works, this one, unlike mine, you'll have to put yours on yourself"
"What do I do though?" Unsure, I shrug, "do I just go to sleep? Or do I put it on before-hand?"
We stand, "just put it on before bed, I'll do the same. Brian will stay on the couch so he's near us if something goes wrong" A shiver runs up my spine in anticipation. We make our way back to our room alone as Brian gets blankets from his truck along with his camera and outfit.

"Are you ready for this? I don't want to scare you, I'm not sure if you will be aware, or like me, unaware of everything- every move" tim stares into my eyes, holding my arms gently.
"I can handle this, I'm ready." I smile before grabbing the mask, slipping it over my face. I flace into the mirror, "I'm hot" I chuckle to myself while doing silly poses.
Tim laughs, "you are" he smiles, a glimmer in his eyes I've never seen before, "ready?"

I nod as I watch him slip his on. We share a 'mask kiss' as we lay down, preparing for sleep.

As time passes, it feels as though I blinked, I rise to see Tim watching me. It doesn't feel like him anymore. But he's not trying to kill me so he might recognize me. I have the urge to hurt everyone and anything. Adrenaline pulses through me and I stand. I look over and see Brian, his camera ready.

He gives a small wave, unsure if I'm aware or not. I have no want to speak. The feeling of needing to be silent is overpowering.  I wave back, then point at Tim and shrug. He lets out a small chuckle, "he stares. Let's go"
Tim hops up and begins making his way out of the door, rather quickly but silently. I follow, Brian behind us, filming. I decide to trace Tims tracks, he still has not said a word. I feel a little nervous for my second kill but I can't shake my urge. My hands tremble, I want to speed up but feel I need to stick close to Tim.

He trots ahead, still silent. I do the same, keeping pace. He waves me over, pointing. Two people, both dressed in black, chatting while walking though the dense Forrest. I inch forward, quickening as I do so, Tim grabs my hood, shaking his head, "wait" he whispers.

I grunt, watching as they get further. I glance between them and Tim, he then moves closer, silently. Stepping through brush, making no noise seamlessly. I track after him, matching his pace. My breathing deepening as we gain on them. He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a switchblade, then reveals a scalpel. I can see his eyes smile through his mask. He thought about this.

I once again try to attack only to be pulled back. I resist slightly. He pauses for a moment then releases me, "go". My heart leaps as I charge silently. An undescribable feeling rusing over me. I step on a twig, then slip behind a tree as the boys turn around.

"Dude what was that? Are we being followed?" One of them fully turns around, surveying the area, "damn it's too dark"

The other one shoots him a look, "you're being paranoid, David. Its most likely a deer. We are in a forest, there are going to be noises"

I grin as they resume their conversation. Making their way through the Forrest again, I move away from the tree as Tim watches. He begins to trail behind me, letting me lead. I begin to feel the urge taking over me. I let out low grunts as it feels harder to contain myself.

Stalking has become too much, I need more.

Tim nudges me, "get them."

I begin sprinting towards them, sure to make noise causing the to spin around. The expressions on their faces bringing a pang of joy to my heart. I lunge at the one called David. Slamming him into the rough terrain, a grunt escaping both of us. I rip at this shirt, exposing his chest. I plunge at his heart, digging with the scalpel. Blood begins to spurt out of the wound, covering my clothing and part of my mask. I glance over at Tim, my eyes wide with insanity. He looks over at me.

Tim is working away at the other ones neck, the boys face pale, eyes wide and rolled back. He's dead.

David, my kill, is gone as well.

I feel a weird sensation come over me. I lunge at Tim

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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