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As I wake up, I feel the soothing warmpth below my head.

When did we get a bed?

no, we dont have one yet.

Confused, I lift my head and lock eyes with Tim.

"good morning," Tim chuckles, probably noticing my disserned expression, "you looked uncomfortable last night so i moved you onto my leg."

I sit up completely, "you didnt have to, Tim. I was okay." He shakes his head, disreguarding my last statement.
Standing, he reaches out a hand for me to take, I take it.
"we need to finish shopping for stuff"
I chuckle at how vague his wording is, "Alright, where to?"
"well we dont own a car yet, so it will be hard getting back and forth to town like we did yesterday.
car dealership or something?"

I nod and we both gather our things and head out of the cozy home.

"how about, after we get that car, we go and get a bed?" I look up to him and nudge his sholder. He nods,"sounds good"
As we make it down the narrow path towards the small town, we pass by all sorts of animals. Most of them run away, skiddish, while others perk up and watch us with curiosity. Ive always loved animals and I always will.

Its a quiet walk, peaceful.

On the edge of town, we can see people enjoying their own lives. Children playing in a nearby park, couples walking along the road enjoying eachothers company. Even if this town is unsafe at night, its so lively during the day when all of the creeps are sleeping or hiding.

Tim and I wander for a while, looing for a dealership to find our new ride. He spots a small building with cars neatly spread out onto a parking lot, "heres one, come on" he lightly pokes my arm and we both begin heading over.
we reach our destination and begin scowering the lot for the perfect vehicle.

After searching for a short while, we both spot the perfect truck. Just big enough to haul things to our home, and just small enough as to not be flashy.

"can we afford this?" i look worriedly at tim, thinking we dont have enuough money to take this beautiful baby home with us.
He cackles and pulls a large annount of money out of his pockets. " Brian helped me a bit but ive saved for something like this," he winks, "now... lets get this show on the road."

The dealership guy we spoke to was an odd character. He had shaggy chocolate brown hair, circle shaped orange tinted sun glasses and a striped suit. He had this odd scar on one side of his face, right next to his mouth. It almost looked like a burn mark. he had this odd stutter that appeared every few words that he spoke.

We bought the car and made our leave, straight to a confort store.

After all of our errands we finally made it home.

im leaving it at that this time guys, i had to give you all something becuase i feel bad for making you all wait so long for a new chapter.
stay tuned, the next chapter should be longer/back to normal.

-your author

 Fear- (tim wright) masky x reader Where stories live. Discover now