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season six, episode fourteen

Ryan Grey happened to be at Joe's bar celebrating his Valentine's Day alongside Callum Ritchie throwing darts towards the dart board with girls cheering them on behind them when both of their pagers went off

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Ryan Grey happened to be at Joe's bar celebrating his Valentine's Day alongside Callum Ritchie throwing darts towards the dart board with girls cheering them on behind them when both of their pagers went off.

"Oh, it's big."

Ryan and Callum both dropped their darts onto the closest table before rushing towards where their jackets were against the bar's stools, running up the stairs and towards the hospital.

"Torres, we're here." Ryan said appearing to where Callie was wiping off procedures off of the OR board, "Were you two out drinking?" Ryan opened his mouth, "I only had one beer." The Grey male admitted as Callie then looked to the Ritchie, "We had the same before we played darts."

"Grandinetti's roof collapsed. We'll be getting more than a dozen. All scheduled procedures are pushed." Ryan and Callum both nod their heads, "Get a banana bag!" Callie shouted after the two running residents.


"Kepner. You're back."

Ryan came towards the red headed resident who had been fired ages ago, "Chief Shepherd gave me my job back," April stated as Ryan smiled at that, "It's good to have you back, Kepner." He said before walking to where a blonde was.

"Apes!" Callum Ritchie called out to his friend when seeing April holding a clipboard in hand and Derek Shepherd's blazer in hand, "You're back!" He embraced the redhead as Ryan shook his head at the interaction.

Especially since Callum had split about his little crush on the redhead before the two had went to Joe's bar after the shift finishing, it was more clearer to him that his friend did like the redhead resident.

Ryan smiled when seeing a blonde standing at the nurse's station, "Hi. I don't believe we've met—" Ryan stopped when he saw that it was his sister, "Lexie, what—what did you do to your hair?" He said now looking at his sister's blonde hair as Lexie then looked to Ryan's banana bag, "I drank one beer at Joe's and Torres told me to get an banana bag. Now you go."

Lexie opened her mouth to say something, "Wait. You were trying to hit on me." Ryan then makes a face, "Not anymore, now that I know it's you. I thought you were some new resident or attending." Ryan admitted to his half sister, "Gross, Ryan, gross."

When Mark them came over to them trying to flirt with Lexie, "Ahh!" Mark said when seeing that it was his ex girlfriend, "You were trying to hit on me, too." Lexie said when looking at her ex boyfriend, "You are no blonde. Blondes are badass and fun. You're—you're a brunette." Mark said as Ryan chuckled when the Sloan male then walked away.

"I'm keeping it. I'm not changing it." Lexie told her brother who just looked at his sister's face that did kind of go with her dyed blonde hair, "I can't believe you actually dyed your hair." Ryan admitted, before he moved past his sister getting a chart in hand.


Ryan approached his group of friends who were looking inside a hospital room that had an elderly women and an elderly man inside as the group of friends munched on chocolates. "What are you doing?" He asked, coming towards the group when seeing the chocolates in Alex's hands all half eaten, "Why are they all half eaten?"

"Now you can see the inside." Alex admitted as he held out the chocolate box to Ryan who shook his head at the gesture and at the half eaten chocolates.

"Her boring husband is in surgery and this dude has been in love with her for fifteen years." Alex explained, Meredith adding, "But she just found out so we're waiting to see if she says something."

"Or if her husband croaks." Alex added.

"But it's ok if he does, because they're miserable. I mean, is this what marriage turns into?" Meredith asked them, "Running out of things to say and changing who you are?" Cristina, Ryan and Alex all shrugged their shoulders.

"We'll, I didn't marry Derek to be the Chief's arm candy. I'm a surgeon." Ryan's sister admitted, "Yeah, you married him for the great surgeries." Cristina added making Ryan shake his head, "Ooh, ahh, she's gonna say something."

The four surgeons all looked at the women attempting to move in her bed, "She's gonna wake him up." Meredith added, "What did she say?" Meredith stepped closer to the hospital room window.

However, Meredith's chocolate fell from her hand as she ran into the hospital room, "She can't breathe! Get a crash cart." Ryan did as said.

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