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season four, episode sixteen

season four, episode sixteen

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"I tried to change." Mark told Derek, Ryan and Richard who stood on Derek's land, "Turn over a new leaf. But the leaf isn't turning." Mark explained to his friends, "You weren't ready to change." Richard told the plastics surgeon, "And that's ok. Adele wanted me to change, to retire. Well, I'm still the Chief and this weekend, I'm moving back home." The Chief of Surgery tells them.

Ryan turned his head to Richard, "Does Adele know that?" He questioned to what Richard stuttered, "She'll-She'll be fine. She was wrong." He told them, "I was right. And now we're—"

"Doing it like bunnies. I can't change." Ryan shook his head, "I can't change. I can't change." Mark repeated looking at the view of Seattle, "Be who you are. I am who I am." Richard said pointing to himself, "A man."

"A man."

Derek and Ryan both shook their heads, "I have a way about me. I'm a man who is who he is. I have a right to be that man." Mark told them, "I'm not gonna say anything. No judgement." Derek and Ryan both said at the same time, "I'm gonna miss living on the land." Richard said to what Mark added, "It is beautiful piece of land."

"You wanna buy it?" Derek then questioned his best friend, "You can't sell this land." Richard stated as Mark then added, "You have blueprints. This is your living room window. The house that Derek built." Mark stated to what Ryan smiled at, "Well's that's over."

Ryan's smile fell, "I'm thinking about getting a place in town." Derek commented as Ryan looked at him, "But you love this land." Richard added, "This land and ferry boats are who you are."

"A man can change. I'm selling the land." Ryan looked out at the view of Seattle once more before walking away from the view.


Meredith walked behind her interns, "Every page goes in every set of documents. Miss one, you're on scut." Meredith said walking behind her interns, "These are the most promising trial patients. I don't want mistakes."

Meredith walked behind her brother and half sister who spoke to one another, "Hard ass." Lexie said making Ryan smile.

"Where were you last night?" Ryan turned his head seeing Izzie going towards his sister, "I had to stay with Cristina, she needed me." Meredith told her roommate, "That's so nice." Izzie commented, "Rebecca's at the house. I needed you." Izzie added, "Apparently she's crazy,"

Dr Stevens looked at Ryan who sorted out his sister's trial patients paperwork, "George, we've had this discussion and decided it's not appropriate to call Izzie crazy. She's spirited." Ryan and George both furrowed their eyebrows, "Sprinted."

"Not me! I'm not crazy. Rebecca's crazy." Izzie stated to her roommate, "And Alex is pretending she's not. It's—" Cristina comes towards them, "Hello."

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