Chapter 6

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Luna's POV: I was getting more and more excited and hyped the more I texted him. Apparently his name is "D.D." (Or Dark Danno). I was swinging my legs around and my tail was wagging. I was also giggling too. He decided to send a selfie of himself for some... odd reason. His face looked a bit mischievous, and almost... seductive... he was also blushing in the picture too. Is... is D.D. Trying to flirt with me?? I got really warm and red myself... I didn't know what to say really. Damn, I guess it IS working, huh? I  asked him why his face was like that in the selfie but he didn't respond... about 30 minutes later, he finally answered.

D.D. "Oh, why was I making my face like that? I don't know, I guess for a joke I guess lol"

Luna: "Oh, okay. How come you took so long to respond tho?"

D.D. "Cuz my brother, Preston, decided to take my phone from me because he thought I was watching alt porn 😒"

Luna: "Why would he think that lmao"

D.D.: "Weelll.... It's a long story that I don't feel like talking about. it's really embarrassing..."

Luna: "Well, I'm pretty sure I can tell what happened  😂"

D.D. "..."

That's when our conversation kinda ended. I saved the selfie of him for... well... "just in case". 🤭

Luna x D.D. Fanfic!!! :DDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora