𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐- 𝐈𝐝𝐢𝐤𝐚

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The sound of clicking heels echoed through my makeup studio as I entered

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The sound of clicking heels echoed through my makeup studio as I entered. I swiftly tied my hair back and settled into one of the chairs. My younger sister, Sarah, followed close behind, flipping on all the lights. The studio would open in an hour, giving me a moment to relax after enduring my parents' persistent pleas about marriage.

Sarah's eyes filled with genuine concern as she gazed at me, her forehead creased with worry. She leaned forward, her elbows resting on the worn wooden table as she clasped her hands together, her gaze unwavering. 'What is it, Di? What's bothering you?' Her voice was soft and soothing, like a warm blanket on a chilly night. With a heavy sigh, I began to unburden my heart, pouring out my fears and anxieties to my trusted confidante. 'It's about marriage, Sarah,' I said, my voice barely above a whisper. 'Mumma and Papa are looking for proposals for me. They want me to get married.' A wave of dread washed over me as I spoke, my heart pounding in my chest. Sarah's eyebrows furrowed in surprise.

'You don't want to get married?' she asked, her voice laced with astonishment. 'But why not? Is there a specific reason?' I nodded, my eyes welling up with tears. 'I want to fall in love first,' I explained, my voice trembling. 'Marriage is a big risk, especially when it's arranged. I don't want to be trapped in a loveless marriage, Sarah, I want to marry someone I love, someone I can connect with on a deep level.' Sarah sighed, her eyes filled with understanding. 'I know, Di,' she said, her voice gentle and comforting.

What if the person I fall in love with changes after marriage? What if he turns out to be the wrong choice? It was a fear that had always lurked in the back of my mind, a fear that I couldn't shake.

'How can I be sure that the person I marry will be the right one?' I asked, my voice laced with uncertainty. 'What if I never find someone who loves me for who I am?' Sarah smiled, a reassuring gleam in her eyes. 'You will, Di,' she said, her voice filled with conviction. 'Just be patient. The right person will come along when you least expect it.'

As Sarah's words sank in, a sense of calm washed over me. She had always been my rock, offering wisdom and solace when I needed it most.

"I hope you're right, Sarah," I said, a hint of doubt lingering in my voice. "It's just hard to imagine finding that kind of love in the midst of all this pressure."

Sarah reached across the table, gently squeezing my hand. "I understand, Di. But don't let fear dictate your choices. Trust in yourself and in the journey ahead. Love has a funny way of sneaking up on us when we least expect it."

Her reassurance was like a lifeline, pulling me back from the edge of uncertainty. With a grateful smile, I nodded, a newfound determination welling up inside me.

"Thanks, Sarah," I said, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders. "I needed to hear that."

Sarah returned my smile, her eyes sparkling with sisterly affection. "Anytime, Di. Remember, I'm always here for you, no matter what."

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