Snapchat story

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It's Friday I can't wait for it to be Saturday, i finally get to go rest after 4 days of school.

We had family day on Monday so we didn't go to school.

I realized that you barely go to school anymore last week you weren't there all week.

We always have tests every Friday and I have to take one today which is kinda tiring and hard.

I'm done the test.

I got 10/12😀

Which is fine I guess.

Man I be missing you so much. I always talk about you to my friend she's annoyed by it because I would be drooling over you.

Why you gotta be so weirdly attractive?

Class went by and I can't wait to go home.
                                ~time skip~

It's finally time to go home.

I went to change and go to bed feeling exhausted as ever.

I went to sleep and time went by. As usual I have to eat and get ready for bed.

I did and can't wait for tomorrow sleeping all day.

My mom sadly woke me up and said we have to go to the mall. I thought she was joking just so me and my sister will wake up but it's true.

I'm delighted but I still wanna sleep.

But I woke up and decided to use my phone for a few minutes because that's what I do.

An hour went by and my mom keeps shouting telling us to wake up and eat.

But too bad I am already awake.

As for being a bad kid I didn't stand up yet and used my phone for a few more minutes.

And we got in trouble so I had to go get ready and eat.

So I did.

A few hours went by and it was almost time to got to the mall.

But we went to the movies which is more entertaining.

I started posting in my story on Snapchat putting all of it in public

When the movie was done I checked my phone and looked through my Snapchat that I made.

And looked who viewed my story, it said that one unfollower has viewed it, I didn't think much of it cause it would always be the people I don't know.

But when I checked it.

It was him.


I felt butterflies in my stomach as my face turned hot.

I was smiling hard.

I told my friend, let's call her Rebecca.

So I told her the girl that doesn't even go with my delusional lake🙄

So I posted more storys on public and when I got home he also viewed it.

I asked Rebecca if it only happens when someone stalks you or if it only happens when someone see it.

When it's school time I talked to her about it.

And she said the thing that can't make me stop thinking.

She said.

Why did he click it though?

And now I can't stop thinking about. Why did he?

What if it was on accident?

But it can't be.

He knew it was me.

Or did he?

I can't stop asking myself a question.

Why did he?

Does he still have feelings for me?

Are we still liking each other, but silently?

Or he just wants to know?

I wanna ask you a question myself but what if u don't like me?

What if you just didn't know who it was?

But that's impossible you know how I dress.

Or do you still do?

I don't get you. Do, you, still,like me?

(This is all your fault Rebecca and you know who you are!👹)

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