Jealousy part 2

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                                   *last part*
It's almost winter break. I don't really mind not seeing you because we can just call all day and night.

But I can't really take my mind off about that whole situation.

I tried to get it off my mind. I did forget it for a few days.

                              ~Winter break~

I finally forgot the whole situation. We talked all winter break.

It was really fun talking to you. Although I do miss those beautiful brown eyes of yours, I can't help but think of you all day.

                               ~New year's~

Hey it's new year's. There's a few more days before we go back to school again, I can't wait to
See you.

I confessed my feelings to you a few days ago and I can say that it went really well, I didn't know you liked me back.

I kept smiling feeling butterflies in my stomach.

I can't help but smile. We didn't really become official so who cares right?

But I guess I still do.

                               ~TIME SKIP~

It's almost Valentine's Day and Easter. I wanted to talk to you so I went on Snapchat but I guess it wasn't right to do so.

What I saw broke my heart and told my friend about it 'Stephanie'. I would tell her everything that's going on between me and JJ so I told her what happened.

I saw you wearing an Easter bunny outfit with Aria. I don't know how to react, respond.

Because she knew I liked you and know she began to like you too.

I didn't cry or act I just felt provoked. Feeling a strong insecurity go in me. Wanting to cry but holding it back.

I didn't want to feel weak.

Seeing you with her matching outfits makes me feel gushy.

So I confronted you. You said that she was the one that told you so.

I have no idea if you're lying or not so I just agreed with it.

Told Stephanie about it. Everything.

Few days had passed and I forgot everything about it.

But I guess I won't for too long.

You started talking to me in a nice way saying Opo in my language as being nice of an elderly person.

I never taught you that. As always I told Stephanie.

And I know who it is, as always it's Aria.

Didn't know it would be like this.

But I don't really care because we're not official but it still hurts me. Because I know and you know that I like you.

Seeing you guys talk together at school damaged me.

But I couldn't care less.

Because there's always another girl.

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