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"Oh shut up I would've definitely come!!! You didn't want to invite me that's it!!!" fumed Payal. Kirti and Naira looked at each other gingerly.
"It's not like that Payal. We just thought that you live too far down the street and it was obviously late in the night so we thought better of it and ended up not calling you. It was just a doughnut nothing too fancy." Naira tried to pacify Payal but the latter was livid. She frowned at the two girls.
"Huh!!! I am not talking to you!!!" she seethed. Kirti resisted the temptation to say 'Good Riddance'. Kirti and Naira were not too fond of Payal, I mean she was one of those pick me girls who miraculously change their voice when a guy's walking past by. That Kardashian Jenner kinda vocal fry, you know what I am saying....that's what she becomes around guys. And obviously Kirti and Naira didn't appreciate that. Honestly they wanted to get rid of her so badly. Stupid as it may seem but Kirti actually proposed to Naira that she should push Payal into the room with that Kind+Creepy man she encountered that night and lock the door from outside. The only problem in the plan was that they weren't sure if they would find him in that hotel room again.
"C'mon Payal forget it. Just like we ignore the change in your voice around Professor Arun!!!" kirti said dryly. Payal gawped at her in shock. Naira bit down her laughter.
"That's not true. It's my natural voice." she defended herself. Kirti chuckled.
"Since when did Mmmm.....Ohhhh.. became natural!!!!" Kirti retorted cruelly. Payal's face was flushed red with anger. Her long fingernails were poking into the flesh of her palm.
"Okkk guys that's enough. Now Payal what are you wearing to the freshers???" Naira changed the topic. Payal grinned.
"Saree ofcourse. My blouse is backless by the way." she told them proudly. Naira nodded.
"I am also wearing a saree but my blouse is not backless. By the way kirti and me are wearing blue what about you???" she asked politely. Payal chuckled.
"Blue is such a baby colour. I am wearing black." Payal responded overweeningly. Kirti narrowed her eyes at her.
"Isn't black such an outdated vibe!!! I mean except for vampires nobody fancies black now." Kirti said curtly. Naira laughed. Payal was irate again.
"Very funny!!" Payal sulked.

Naira, Kirti and Payal stood outside the college gate after their classes got over. Naira was fetched by her brother from college. Kirti's father usually came to pick her up while Payal walked home on foot since her house was merely 5 minutes away from the college. Though she usually reached late to her house and nobody knew why. I know however, she meets her boyfriend and gets late.
"I like the choco chip one, I don't like this." Kirti whined licking the mango popsicle.
"They have ran out of choco chips what to do!!!" Naira said, licking her orange popsicle. Payal was drinking a lemonade for the day was hot. Mumbai was always too hot in Naira's opinion. Only when it rains then the temperature drops or else you just have to swelter all your life.
"Your brother's late today." kirti said. Naira nodded sadly.
"Guess he's stuck at work." she spoke casually.
"Naira my father's here. See you tomorrow!!!" Kirti said quickly before hopping onto the backseat of her father's scooter. Naira waved her bye as she started leaving.
"I better get going too Naira. I have my guitar lessons in an hour. Bye. See you tomorrow." Payal said. Naira hated the feeling of being left alone, I mean who do you talk to when everybody leaves. But it was better to stand alone than with her because in every other minute some guy stops to talk to her and that's really unnerving for Naira. It's not bad if you have guy friends but Payal wasn't a good friend maker in general, the only thing she was good at was faking a moaning voice in front of buffoonish boys. She didn't had many friends in the college except for Simmi and Chhaya, and both of them were a big name amongst the boy circles.
"Ok bye." Naira said, relieved that she was leaving finally. Payal left shortly after that.

The big grove of trees provided a natural bower to the little squirrels scampering under the undergrowth. But it weren't just the squirrels who relished the shade but a big muscly man under the garb of a businessman, which he was, too seemingly enjoyed the shade provided by the magnanimous trees. He loved to watch his little baby girl from a fair distance. It wasn't that that he was afraid of approaching her and confessing his mad love to her but the probable ramifications of it were something that greatly put him in a quandary. Suppose if he just walks up to her, grab her wrist and pour his heart out to her, what's gonna happen??? Surely she wasn't going to blush and fall into his arms, thankfully he was that much sane and sensible to apprehend that although his obsession for her had already transcended all boundaries whatsoever. And obviously she's going to shout, scream, sob and god knows what which will eventually trigger him and he would end up scaring her for not loving him already.....long story short, he ain't gonna freak her out ATLEAST FOR NOW. But surely he can watch her shamelessly like a creep (Don't dare say that on his face) from a distance. She was standing alone outside the gates of her university. He really wished to walk over to her, take her in his arms, and then take her on a long drive, buying her everything she wants and then finally make love to her.....ok that wasn't the original plan but what difference does it make, love making is such a good activity I mean, probably it helps you lose weight (He's making that all up coz this mf is horny all the time). He watched carefully how her eyebrows came together in a furrow as she read something in her phone. Was there something that had bothered his baby girl??? He swears he will kill that person....or an object. He just can't see her sad. She's just so precious to him. He loves her so much. Honestly he was so pissed off with her dork friends, how can they leave his baby girl alone like this under this scalding heat. Had he been her friend he would never have let her out of his sight even for a second. But why would he be her friend when he's her husband?? He's her husband, she just doesn't know it yet. But she will soon. He smiled to himself as she looked at her right, waiting for her brother to come. Such a shitty brother he was, how could he make this princess like girl wait for so long. Narasimha feared that somebody would come talk to his precious baby girl, probably would try to stand too close to her.....What if his dirty skin brushes against her smooth, unblemished skin!!!! His eyes darkened. NO FUCKING WAY!!!! Nobody touches his baby girl. NOBODY. He straightened his blazer and decided to walk over to her and stand close to her just so no son of a dog could possibly have a slighest bit of opportunity to touch her.

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