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Naira sobbed as she ran up the stairs towards the vestiges of light that escaped from what appeared like under the door. The bunny was snuggling into her chest, scared of the darkness. Although she was completely blank inside her head but she had an intuition that there was someone behind the door for sure. Perhaps he could help her and show her the way out. Naira's family was super protective of her, and they made sure that she always saw the world as a place that was filled with good people who are always willing to help. However they also made sure to inform her about the bad elements present around us. But maybe because she was stuck in a bad place that she clearly ignored the possibility that perhaps the people behind the door might be not super friendly or worse dangerous. Her anklets rang in the silent hall as she ran towards the door. The nearer she came to the door, clearer the voices inside the assumed room grew. There were multiple people behind the door, perhaps all men because the voices were gruff and manly. But she needed help ASAP and so she reached for the doorknob and failing to observe basic courtesies pushed the door open. Bright yellow light flashed into her eyes making her squint her eyes as the door swung open in front of her.
"I can't find my family." she cried innocently, her lips in a pout. Perhaps it was the sound of opening of the door or the voice of a crying girl which made the people inside the room turn their heads towards the door. They were peculiar faces in her opinion and none of them looked approachable to be honest. They fixed her with a curious gaze as she stood on the threshold with a small rabbit safely held in her arms. The bunny's nose twitched. Naira's eyes were filled with tears when she saw him.

She wasn't purposely watching him, I mean she was looking at each of them in hopes that one of them would try to help her. But he was somehow the most important person in the room therefore she looked at him hopefully, masking the fear in her eyes with helpless tears. He stood under the beautiful floral light, the light from which fell on his face. He was scarily tall, over 6'5 or more, more of a giant he was, had a robust build with thick, strong biceps and long, strong legs. He was dressed up in jet black pants, maroon half sleeve shirt over which was a black, double breasted waistcoat and his shoes were polished and black and looked expensive. But what stood out among everything else was his eyes, they were cold and had numerous emotions held in them. Honestly Naira felt uncomfortable under his stare, like why the heck was he not blinking. Perhaps he had some medical issue, oh poor man. Even if she wanted to be sympathetic towards him, something inside of her kept telling her otherwise. His mouth was very minutely parted but it was open for sure as he watched her keenly as if she was from some other planet. The men around, there were 10 of them, watched her with mixed emotions.
"Please help me find my family." she whispered, sobbing. She missed her parents, her grandparents, her siblings and even her friends.

Visheshwar was looking around the hotel anxiously. He couldn't find his little girl anywhere. His family was also looking for her but she was nowhere to be seen. As time was passing, he was growing more fearful and worried for his daughter.
"Dad she's not even outside. Is there any chance she might've gone to the other part of the hotel!!!!" Neil asked panting heavily. Visheshwar's face went pallid.

Naira watched the men as they looked at her rather displeasingly. Not their fault to be honest, they have never seen a little girl fooling around this part of the premises of the hotel.
"Find my father please..." she pleaded innocently, tears rolling down her chubby, baby like cheeks. The man in the front, with grey eyes was all set to voice his displeasure.
"Look girl...."
"Find her father." a thick, husky, low pitched masculine voice said from the centre of the room. Naira looked up and found the 'most important man' ,still staring at her with some curious emotions in his eyes, said from the centre. He was in actual, surrounded by these other men. Now all the other men looked up at him in shock. Naira felt slightly relieved but still much uneasy and scared.
"But boss....."
"FIND HER FATHER." he, for the first time, diverted his gaze to the man who was voicing his dissent and spoke threateningly. The men quickly stood up with a start and bounded outside the door to find her father.

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