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"I don't think we can rebuild this"
"Don't be silly Ivy I can fix this with no problem"
Looking into Oliver's eyes as he tries to lean into a burnt beam the only thing left standing from my once so called home hearing it crack and the ash falling from it , slowly Watching it fall to the side as Oliver goes down with it "SHIT" "are u okay" "yeah just peachy haha" "well Oliver like I said not fixable and in the mean time I'm freezing and I need to find a place to go" "just stay with me ivy it's okay I can build a room or I can just stay in my room with u until the snow lets up or when it's summer again it's totally up to you"

Listening to him I can't help to think about how bad of an idea that would be knowing that it'll cause so many issues but I can't seem to run away and never look back I feel frozen in place .

"Fine , I'll stay but don't expect me to live with u for the rest of my life" "well I bet I can get u to live with me for the rest of ur life we'll be sleeping beauty and maybe one dwarf yet I'm freakishly tall haha ou or the prince that'll sweep u off ur feet and live in the woods like sum cute fairytale"

"Oh Ivy you're all flustered and blushing sweetheart" "shut up Oliver I am NOT"
"Are to missy" "ugh whatever floats ur boat"

I don't understand why he says these cheesy things like he's some child but it's cute and comforting and I love it seeing him get all excited and smiling but also being sarcastic at the same time . "Well let's head inside before we both get sick and have to stay in bed for days" "yessir"

Hurrying inside fighting the soaking wet clothes off layer by layer grabbing the nearest blanket making my way towards the fire place waiting for the warmth to engulf me wondering where he went because he didn't come in behind me

Ivy : are you okay u didn't come inside

Ivy : hello ?

Ivy: Oliver ur scaring me


worry sets in as I get up to put on the soaking wet clothes again to head back outside before I could even reach the front door it swings open Oliver's holding 5 boxes that say clothes knowing that they're my clothes from my barn , " you didn't have to do that we could've went and got those later tonight or tomorrow" "eh I felt like getting them now I know u wouldn't want to wear my clothes forever" knowing deep down I'd much rather wear his clothes but I don't dare say those words out loud all I can do is nod my head in agreement.

"Well come on miss let's get u all settled in"

"oh come on my cooking cant be that bad" "its not I swear"

I say that to him as i'm gagging from the unbelievable smell of burnt food ,knowing my "I swear is not the truth but he wasn't looking at me when i said it laughing to myself thinking that we should've , made some frozen food in the microwave building up the courage to tell him the idea not daring to because i'm not sure if he'll lose his shit like my father would , minutes pass as I think it over and finally say it calmly and shyly in hopes that he wont yell , "Oliver maybe we should just make some threw the microwave" I can feel him looking at me burning eyes behind my back i can feel him walking towards me preparing myself for what's about to come not knowing if he will slap me or yell but he didn't I began to feel arms wrap around me warmth swarming me , "yeah ,yeah your right sweetheart id much rather have frozen food tonight ,besides that i don't know anyone that would eat burnt pizza"

"maybe i can teach you to cook someday i used to cook for my dad all the time , and rose's mom taught me a thing or two when i would spend the night with her , wait OMG rose? have u heard from her or your friend i miss her and i have so many things to tell her"

"actually yes , I did but it was supposed to be a surprise before the storm began they went on a date in a cabin i own up here , about a mile or 2 away from the house but they called last night off the land phone asking if i was stocked up on food since they just ran out and i told them yes but your here with me then rose yelled some that i won't say haha but i was going to wait to tell u in the morning when their here since ill have to leave to get them"

"wait so you knew your friend was taking my friend on a date in some cabin in the woods and didn't think to tell me , was it some romantic get away ? wait is that why u bought so many condoms omg eww" "haha oh sweetheart your to curious about things u shouldn't be curious about" looking up towards Oliver eye to eye trying to cross my legs to control the feeling between after he said that in such a raspy tone , "oh shut up" "why don't u make me cupcake, oh wait u can't your to busy crossing your legs did i push u to far , get to horny from the sound of my voice hmm ? am i making u nervous , i am now stop being curious about things u should not be curious about if u can't handle the side effects of my response"  " i- okay " not knowing how to respond I push pass him and make my way to the bedroom to take a cold shower , knowing that he's right but not understanding why he's acting that way, "I was kidding cupcake."

Flipping him off going up the stairs hearing him chuckle from my actions trying my best not to smile or laugh because of that , i'v never flipped someone off before i'v seen it in movies tone's of times but never done that before cursing is one thing but flipping off someone is another since everyone knew my dad and knew he was strict and would beat my ass if he heard that i flipped someone off yet granted he would only pop me in the mouth for cussing if i was in the wrong for it nothing close to good parenting if u ask me , I thought to myself not hearing Oliver knocking at the door.

"ivy , ivy are u okay in their" "uh yeah i'm fine" "okay ,well i'm heading out to go get the two love birds i locked all the doors and the windows and the alarm system is on and theirs a land phone next to the bed if something happens u call me okay ?" "yessir" "alright ill be back in an hour or so" "i thought it was only a mile or two out from here" " well yeah but its been snowing and there's a couple inches on the ground it'll just take me a while to get through it but i promise ill be back soon just listen to what i said i'm heading out now bye sweetheart" '' bye" 

really wish he didn't leave me behind i hate being alone even after what just happened to my house , saying that out loud as i look threw his closet grabbing his oversize hoodie that smells like him but looks way to big for him like it won't fit , sliding it over my head reaching half way down my thighs only wearing his hoodie and underwear crawling into bed , reaching over the nightstand 'punk 57' hmm thinking to myself unsure of the book not knowing if it'll be good or bad ,only reading 4 pages falling into a light sleep with the book open lay'd out on his bed knowing i should'eve called him before i fell asleep .

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