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Its Thursday now the day before the big day , Tuesday and Wednesday have been awkward since I slept over at Oliver's he hasn't spoken to me since I left Tuesday morning hoping I didn't upset him for staying over , thinking to myself as I sit in the empty classroom during the test that determines if I can graduate tomorrow after this test I can go home early I can relax and wait for the email I haven't told my dad anything granted he hasn't been back since Monday I've been checking news articles and I haven't seen a thing hoping for the best and the worst hopefully whatever happen to him happened to his new wife I don't even care to remember her name at this point , "Ivy" "yes sorry" I hate this teacher she always had a bad thing towards me evil and degrading feeling comes off her every time she's around me I never understood why unless she's also one of the mysterious ladies my dad was cheating on my mom with before we moved here he would leave for so called "business trips" weeks on end leaving us to struggle and survive , the ringing sound of the bells going of tells me it's time to leave during passing time , walking the halls waiting to see Oliver pass by but I don't see him not until I walk out into the parking lot and see the town whore get out of his car wiping her mouth clean , sadness settles into my stomach trying to move my feet but they planted themselves locking eyes with her she smiles at me the smile of ahaha I just sucked him off , looking past her I see him frozen in place also locking eyes with me he started walking towards me fast I mean really fast I finally move walking then running towards home like a 10 year old that just got her heartbroken by the first boy she had a crush on .

After running for 40 mins which feels like hours or running and crying I ran up the porch and inside running up the stairs in the quiet house searching for anything and everything that'll put me out of misery for a couple hours I know alcohol is never the answer it only causes a disaster , after 20 mins of none stop searching I can't find anything knowing my dad probably cleared every hiding spot in the house since he remarried , sighing in disbelief of what I just tried to do I begin to cry and laugh at myself for being so stupid about some boy that I'll never have or even care to fall in love with . It's just jealousy ivy just jealousy I tell myself .

hours pass , the knocking on the door continues getting louder and louder , slowly making my way down the stairs I open the door hesitantly waiting to face whoever it is .. "Oliver wha - what are u doing here" "Ivy please listen to me it's not what it looks like" "oh so it didn't look like the town whore didn't just suck u off in the front seat of ur car is that what you've been avoiding me for since Monday" "Ivy no , she forced herself into my car trying to talk her uncle is a cop he found some things out about your dad and she doesn't speak to you but she suspects that we are together so she told me and I - she saw u in the side mirror and got out and faked the wipe off her mouth I'm sorry" "it's whatever Oliver - what did she say about my dad" "she uh she said that they found"
"Oliver what did they find" "they found his truck and his wife and him were inside and they said that it looked like a drug deal gone bad Ivy they were shot they uh they didn't make it" as Oliver stands there looking at me waiting for a reaction I begin to laugh leaving him confused emotions wash over me anger sadness and relief , I don't know how to cope with these type of things with my mom it was different I screamed and cried for days weeks and months I still do but only in the form of nightmares, standing there I look at him I begin to thank him making him even more confused "he treated me like hell Oliver you'll never understand" stories for different days or stories that will stay locked away till the day I die .

Hours pass as the news plays out investigations begin cops in my house asking me questions Oliver standing next to me comforting me worried if I'll make it but he doesn't understand I'm happy I'm free more free than I can believe , stiffing at the sight of the town whores uncle passes through making his way towards me eyeing me up and down like a creep he's young mid 20's but not my type , she probably ran her mouth about the rumors about me or told him that Oliver shares me yet he's never fucked me , disgust rushes over me as he rubs his hand past my waist to pass behind me Oliver notices my discomfort and asks if I would like to leave the house till their done , slowly nodding my head yes in hopes he would move fast through the crowd of investigators , finally making it to his front porch we get stopped by the town whores uncle of a cop "miss miller where do u think your going" he says with a disgusting look on his face " I'm coming over here to give the investigators space I'll be here on the front porch if they need me" he looks at Oliver and then back at me as I hold onto Oliver's arm in hopes that he'll tell him to get off his property Oliver clears his throat in hopes it'll get him to walk away he towers over him in height and body mass scary looking, the cop looks at us and chuckles and says something I wish he wouldn't have said "does she feel nice you know when ur fucking her "

Oliver charges after him yelling " GET THE FUCK OFF MY PROPERTY U PERVE"
The cop ran off getting in his car driving off mumbling some threat I couldn't make out hoping I'll never have to deal with him again , after and hour or so everyone left leaving us alone at the top of the hill we won't get answers until winters over which I wish winter would never end because I could care less about my father , Oliver stands behind me rubbing my arm in small circles comforting me and closing in the empty feeling I've been having.

"are u nervous Ivy" " nervous for what Oliver" "tomorrow silly we have graduation tomorrow" " oh right" I giggle at the thought of graduating the day after I find out my dad has been missing and dead for 3 days reality sinks and I begin to cry i start to scream fuck u dad fuckkkk you at the top of my lungs as Oliver try's to sooth me not knowing how to get me to calm down fully but eventually I stilled standing there wiping my dry eyes huffing trying to catch my breath finally I sigh , I finally let out the anger I needed to let out.

Oops Kinda a short chapter sorry but I didn't wanna drag on the dad's death for a full page he was a dick anyways 😂.

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