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Monday : 6:30 am , another long day of the same old shit as in highschool where they teach useless things u won't need or use in ur future , where the history is never right and the library has nothing but children's books you have no interest in , I'm so ready to leave i was dreading coming back today since yesterday even though Sundays are never eventful besides being forced into a religion I don't follow and have no interest in so I guess school is somewhat better . I haven't seen rose yet I guess she's skipping class again she always skips history I don't blame her for skipping it but I'm hoping I'll see her at lunch I can't deal with going to the cafeteria alone . Especially having to deal with Layla running her mouth about me .

25 mins pass the bell finally rang rushing to the cafeteria to claim my spot at a table next to my best friend rose .

Rose : hey girly

Ivy : Heyy

Rose : so did u hear about what Layla said

Ivy : god no I can only imagine what is it this time ?

Rose : well she said that u an Oliver are having a little thing going on is it true ?

Ivy : Noo just because we live next to each other doesn't mean we are sleeping together god I could so beat her ass for running her nasty mouth .

Rose : yeah I know I know well u do know in a couple months it'll be winter you could always just beat the shit out of her before winter she won't be able to get to u then .

Ivy : yeah that's if I can even wait 2 more months before I ring her neck out

Rose : lord girl u have a very high temper but I love you .

Ivy : I love u too

Rumors go on people looking and pointing as I try to enjoy the terrible school lunch fish sticks really ? Absolutely disgusting , god why can't they have a salad bar or some type of pizza day or something this makes me sick , as I say that to rose something else that flips my stomach into nots and makes me nauseous just by a smirk or a single word is standing over me , Oliver ?

Oliver: Can I sit with u girls Laylas annoying me terribly

Sure I said to him , trying to ignore the feeling he's giving me that's until he sat next to me his leg brushing past mine making me shiver and the hair on my arms stick up I start rubbing my arms trying to hide what he's doing to me .

Oliver: are u okay Ivy

Ivy : Yeah I'm fine

Rose : omg she's looking at us someone seems jelly and maybe a little pissed .

I look up and see Layla staring with devilish look of "I so want to murder that bitch" yet it made me smile an giggle at the fact that she's so angry because of one boy sitting thigh to thigh next to me , she got up off her seat and rushed towards our table before she could even say anything rose gave her a look and she huffed and walked away , rose wasn't scary or intimidating at all but when she wants to be she'll act like she is . God I love being the golden retriever in our friendship and she's my black cat perfect match , Oliver slightly moved which caught me off guard I forgot he was sitting next to me scared me a bit he went to stand up to take his tray up front and go to his next class but before he walked away he asked if he could walk me to class how sweet of him I thought to myself I gladly excepted the offer walking off with him I looked at rose who's smiling ear to ear with two thumbs up which makes me believe she's the one who set this up .

Waiting as the clock tics slowly waiting for school to get out I got to text Oliver .

Ivy : hey could u possibly give me a ride home ?

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