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The next day when I woke up, Jackie was gone, not in the kitchen where Martha and Ruben were making breakfast nor the bathroom where he would call back home. With him gone I was able to do what I thought of last night taking some of the tense off on shoulders. It was a habit I tried breaking, yet every time I feel something pile up I go back to it. After three I was able to sit back feeling everything just melt at least for the moment and that's all I was asking for.

I didn't sit there for long getting up from my spot, rushing off to the bathroom so I could get myself clean. I gathered up some strength and at least went down over towards the kitchen letting myself rest against the door frame watching the two hand each other a plate and exchanged a laugh that was until they took notice of me standing there. I gave off a weak smile as I said my mornings informing them I had eaten while Jackie got ready to head home. They didn't fight me against it yet Martha looked full of concern, something I decided to ignore for now.

"Are you sure you don't have any room for a little more?" She asked to pull another plate out of the cabinet. I shook my head. She took a step forward towards me grabbing me by the shoulders, having a jolt of pain flash through my face. I pulled back giving her a small smile "im good really. I'm still tired..." leaving right after able to make my way back towards my room plopping right back into bed. I ended up skipping breakfast letting myself drift off for a bit more sleep waking up once at the sound of a notification.

Joey: Can I drop by?

I said nothing in return just placing my phone down.

The next time I saw the light of day was the return to school ignoring any calls and texts during the weekend mainly from Joey who had sent a few follow up messages asking if it was ok or not then there was Sabrina. I have not opened any of them, afraid to read them unsure if Jackie went home to spill the can of words that had happened that night. There was just a feeling of a pit in my stomach that would just grow bigger and bigger as hours drew closer for school. I didn't get a message from Jackie about a ride so I took the bus with headphones on. I zoned out during the ride towards school taking my board with me for the rest of the walk I had to do, strapping my guitar case close once I was on foot.

At school it felt like nothing different had happened other than it was just me and not the trio you would usually see walking down the halls. First spot was the band room placing my guitar away then signing up one of the closest for break then I head off over towards my locker going down the stairs and over towards the english hall. Hearing some shuffling I felt my body froze up hearing a clash then a push feeling the cold metal against my cheek.

"Just a little I'm my way" there was laughter as pushing someone was funny. I looked over there and saw the jerk walking off with his friends then there way back of the group I met eyes with him. Joey slowed his steps down just so he could easily trail off from the group easily to walk back towards me. With a scuff and push off the locker I undid the lock stuffing my bag in along with the board then grab whatever books I needed.

"You ok?" Joey asked grabbing the top of the locker pulling it more open. I didn't speak just glared and fought with him pulling the locker towards me I wasn't in the mood to play around nor in the mood now to see other people. How stupid was I really to think this would be so simple to get him return my locker door that was until I felt it crash against my forehead. Hearing some chuckling around us was a simple answer. Joey panic at the clashing sound feeling his hands reaching out for my face taking it in hold of his hands. I for one felt completely embarrassed by this while others stared. I wasn't fully able to enjoy how gentle his hold really was other than the feeling of eyes piercing though and his voice firing anything out.

"If you didn't grab the locker I wouldn't be in pain, idiot." I just snapped at first Jackie then his stupid buddies decided it's time to make my time here at school hell, now I have a bruise forming. With a slam of a locker shut I just looked at him then walked off. I would have to see him later in the day anyways. I looked back over my shoulder with whatever anger I had just then left as my shoulders dropped. I wanted to take my anger back. Why didn't I hold my anger back. He just cared but for what reason just to be a good person?

I was right about seeing Joey again after all we met at the front entrance. I had gathered up my things and made my way towards the doors there I spotted Joey leaning against the door. All day I was stressing and doing my best to avoid Jackie so seeing him, even after the locker scene I couldn't help but smile. With a deep breath I walked up taking a glance over at him.

"Hey" he said softly, reaching over for my guitar case.

"Sup...uh you don't really need to do that" reaching for the case.

"No, I want to, I wanna make it up" pulling the case closer. He didn't give me any time to disagree walking out of the school. I just followed behind shifting my bag strap.

"How about this..." His steps slowed "we work on another and after we can go get something to eat?"

I stood there for a moment at the thought than gave a nod "I don't see why not." Actually I kind of like the idea it would get me away from the house in case Jackie decides to drop by and I can't lie I've been kind of waiting for any new information on this guy.

"Then I'll drive, although I should text my sister to tell her ahead of time. Maybe Abuelo could pick her up" he said, digging around in his bag for keys.

"Can't your parents pick her up?" I asked leaving my bags along with his in the back seats. He shook his head climbing right in the driver side as I climbed right in.

"They can't... It's more she agreed with not having them near her" the more he spoke about it there new questions had popped into my head. I rubbed the back of my neck wondering if it's ok to ask another. Joey must have picked up the hint giving off a small smile, turning on the car playing with the music.

"Nothing crazy bad if you're wondering. It just took 10 years of marriage for my parents to understand they didn't, um yea. That and how he basically left for Spain without telling us plus she was close to him so it hit her harder I guess" clearing his throat in the end he chose his aux cord pushing it in the cassette then plugging his phone. I can guess what he meant. With a nervous laughter I looked out of the window saying a small "I get it."

"It's a touchy subject, kind of like mine in a sort of way." Will something like mine I guess in a way? I actually can't remember much of my dad. He was a blur but I can remember my mom and how much I missed her.

"But aren't you adopted?" He asked, giving off a shrug "I don't think it's the same in some sort."

My eyes went wide. I haven't shared this information, sure I called them by their name a couple of times but was it that easy to pick up. There I felt some old feelings I hid for who knows began to prick me.

My head snapped "I don't know what that means... why are you saying that?"

"Will, no but, um Conner told me you guys were close and um... He was saying a few things after I told him how asshole he was." He runs a hand through his hair pushing out of his face "he warned me about how not to get close after all you take over your dad, so?" He glanced over at me, "Does he think of himself as the type of guy like mine?"

"I'm gonna be sick" unbuckling the seat belt. I wanted out of this conversation and this car. I felt my hands begin to shake, unable to open the damn door even the thought of hitting my fist against the glass came to mind. Joey tried to calm me down. Taking in the conversation of my dad was a triggering topic. He reached over yet he never fully touched me. That was until I gave him a nod of approval there I was pulled into his embrace. He was firm and warm. I felt safe just I could trust me with anything and I know he would be there as a shoulder for me to cry on. I just couldn't think. I had hit a point for the day at least. I had an old feeling coming up.

"Aren't you on the road?" Was all I was able to get out.

"Don't worry about that.. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything" he lets go looking at me making sure I was ok. My face felt warm and wet with my eyes still watery from holding myself back from breaking.

"No it's just...it's a touchy topic, but I'm also kind of stressed because... " we both in the end just sat there. If I got out now and made a run would I make it to the bus stop before the bus leaves or would I be stuck walking. I wouldn't get my answer this time. 

Blurry Lines *first draft*Where stories live. Discover now