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We both went back taking a seat at one of the closest tables from the entrance not fully hidden from the librarian who Joey gave a happy little wave 'oh course.' Once at the table I pulled out the sheets of paper just a little crumbled up but still workable along with a pencil still with lead intact. I took notice how Joey had placed his own bags down, placing one on the table pulling out a notebook with a blank sheet out. He eyes his watch as he writes down numbers guessing the time this tutoring had started.

"Do you really have to do that? It's a waste of time and paper" I told him reaching across the table for the notebook. Joey pulled it closer towards him already writing something else down on the sheet and looked like a smudge look he held it up away from my grasp. I wanted to rip it right out of his hands. This is becoming more annoying than watching him run towards me in the hall.

"This is an important task of mine and if you want a good word I would suggest not being snappy with me and get your pencil moving" placing the notebook back in his bag for safety. 'Now let's get this shit over with yea? The sooner that sheet is filled the sooner I can shower."

We both just sat there not much was said after. I couldn't even ask anything without getting a head shake and a spanish speaking Joey replying asking me to ask in spanish like how we are asked to do so in class it was annoying me even more. I didn't speak. With a scuff I went back to my work playing a great game of guessing on what to fill in the blank lines. I wasn't going play this little game of back and forth just for a simple yes or no. I rather take the 50/50 on guessing instead. Joey on the other hand had leaned closer, taking notice of something on my work softly under his breath he said the lines.

"Your using it wrong"

"Eh? Then show me" pushing the sheet over but he had only pushed it back towards me.

He shook his head "I'm just telling you're using it wrong. Dude, it's asking what's the future tense of this sentence." He looked at me confused with his brows furrowed asking why. Why I was playing around and wasting his time with a simple easy worksheet. I clearly was running out of patience if I had him here tutoring me then clearly I don't understand it! What must be a hit on the head he finally got why I just sat there staring at him.

"Um will, ok um... here" flipping over to a new page of water he rewrote the question writing it in english along with my answer in where the blank line would have been. "You're using the past tense when the question is asking in the future tense. If you read this in English it makes no sense."

What felt like hours we both agreed to call it a day with Joey writing something on the same paper he used ripping the bottom half handing it over. With no thought I took a look at it there in writing was an address along with a time.

"Drop by tomorrow around so the quicker we get these sheets done the better. I could stay fully at practice" Joey said, giving me a small nod leaving the library. I stuffed it with my bag having a fresh breath of air finally he's gone finally I can go home and get some stuff done.

On the way home it felt slower and more dull. It was just me, no Jackie or Sabrina to joke around with. The two were my guesses at the stake park must be the reason why I never got a message back from any of them so there I was giving myself little pushes on my board wondering if I should turn and head towards the park to meet up with the two but at this point my body felt ready to drop. They wouldn't get upset from this already knowing Sabrina will let me hear it for not telling them that's the reason for me not following them to the park.

With a quick stop in town just down the street from the school was a small market that sat right next to a laundromat. A nice place to wash your sheets and next door you go in to get some snacks or even some food once in a while we would go in here to get some of their tacos and if they had any a few tamales the best I had other than the twins mothers cooking nothing can beat her home cooking. It hits a spot I didn't know how much I'm missing until I'm on the third plate in her red rice. I kind of wished Martha would cook like that than what she usually makes, but she tries her best with getting enough to pass it wasn't something she's used to cooking so maybe if I'm lucky she will dive in and make me a dish. In the chip aisle I began counting double checking what I had left leaving what I would need for the bus back in my pocket the rest sat on my palm. I just stood there glancing at the almost dollar in my hand then up to the small bag of chips wondering if it was really worth taking them or not. One thing about going to a school in a small town is the drive can't get anywhere without a car and if you can, you're going to see farm land for the most. In the winter it's really nice to look out. Sometimes if you're lucky you get to see a small group of deer running down the side. There's nothing around close by to do anything.

The coins clank through the slot giving me a reminder to ask Martha for more change for the bus this week. For now I can sit in the back with my headphones on my head and bag right next to me. I was able to enjoy the ride in peace. With a small sigh I press play listening to the audio recording of what the band's been working on snacking off on some chips.

The bus stop was just a few blocks away from home here where the board comes in handy. No need to walk the rest of the way home with the streets mainly empty with the few random cars that decided to pass by. I was able to take over as I skated home. The lights were on when the house came into view along with a car sitting in the driveway Martha home and she was home earlier than usual. That could only meet two things and one is she is in the kitchen doing something. I didn't want any awkward encounter with why I was just coming in so I did what all kids my age do which is sneak in the window left it unlock not for the sole purpose of sneaking out tonight but I once in the blue have Jackie coming in and out who clearly hasn't heard of a door before. Tossing in my bag I jumped up latching onto the bookshelf that sat right next using it as a final pull into the room dropping everything I had but dropping me mainly knocking my head on the side of the book shelf letting myself just drop hitting the carpet letting it burn on cheek. In that moment I did not move nor breath in that fact wondering how loud that was letting my body slowly lay on my side, rolling to my back smiling at the clear or at least I thought so.


My eyes shot open. There I began to pull my crewneck off tossing it somewhere else on the floor letting my fingers ruffle up my hair getting a good look in the mirror 'crap not enough.' It didn't matter that this point Martha had knocked on my door doing her double soft knocks.

"Cj honey? Have you been home this whole time?"

"Yea! I just woke up" I walked towards the door grabbing my sheets as I walked pulling the door opening "yea um I had a hard day at school" rubbing my eyes. "I didn't even hear you come home." Martha stood there with her apron snuggled around her waist and her soft curled pulled up into a messy bun noticeably flour on her clothing and on her face.

"Your baking?" I asked using my sleeve to clean some of it off. She gently hits my hand away laughing at the realization of how messy she really was.

She gave me a nod "yes I am! I had offered to bring some desserts to the next group gathering. Why don't you tag along next time? They have been asking about you hon." Ah the group gathering, how could I forget Martha does a lot to the church, nice enough to force me to go only a few times but that was when I was little. She had taken out a napkin to get some more of the flour off of her. "It also might be best to hang around some other folks than the twins."

"Eh" I yawn out "I'll think about it, but I'll come down in a bit before dinner to help" that was enough to please her getting a small nod she left me be for now.

Blurry Lines *first draft*Where stories live. Discover now