"Now I promise you can use the garage if you are bringing your friends inside to clean after yourself. I just deep cleaned not that long ago" Martha said, hugging me giving me a gentle squeeze. With a small nod returning the hug right back giving her a promise we and I mean Jackie would clean after themselves aka I will be throwing the paper towel roll around. She pulled back looking at me with that big grin she always had. You could see her just vibrate from happiness. I couldn't help letting out a small chuckle. Martha and Ruben will be heading off to the church bringing in the baked treats Martha had baked after all the test baking trying a new recipe. Ruben had walked out from the kitchen carrying the container doing what he always does, informing me about house rules along with not wanting anyone home before they return home so I could tag along for dinner as fun to be drag out in the public it would be with their buddies from the church and will I didn't get along with their kids some are the ones who teased me back in school. It was a pain in the ass knowing I can't really do anything or they run with lies on their tongue to only have Martha go through it at the next group gathering.

"Ok, fine. I don't think they will be here for that long anyways..."with a sigh I looked up at Ruben "I have someone else dropping for a project in our class so if he's still here sorry." I couldn't do it Martha already knew I was struggling in my classes, but she agreed with not telling unless it gets to a breaking point. I trust her words both knowing it would only stress the guy out.

He looked at me for a moment then gave me a nod understanding "alright, but don't lose track of time remember we do have dinner so don't spoil yourself."

I followed out to the garage moving things into place unpacking the drum set and putting it together gently hitting one of the drums with my fingers looking at all the scratches and scuff marks Jackie made over time of playing. With a sigh I complete putting things together even getting some of the old Christmas lights hanging back up.

"Wow" I turned my head looking back at a new voice . At the entrance of the garage was Joey taking in all of the glory of the garage "I know you said band but this is something you would see in those cheesy teen movies."

"Hi to you too" I scuffed jumping off from the stool "why are you here? I told you around four."

"I text you informing you I would be dropping by earlier."

I pulled out my phone looking though my notifications there in a mix of liked posts was a text notification from Joey from almost two hours ago. I let out a small oh then tossed the phone over towards the sofa that was supposed to be tossed out long ago however it now lives in the garage. I sighed out that if I get some work done now he could leave before the twins get here then I don't need to explain anything so I walked inside heading over towards my room grabbing my bag bringing it out with me tossing it over on the sofa.

"Let's get this over with then you're leaving" taking a seat on the ground letting him take the sofa.

"What? I don't even get to hear one song? That sucks I was hoping to hear you guys play" he genuinely looked hurt by this, no longer was the smile he had making his dimples disappear and there suddenly I would do anything to get them back on his face. I closed my eyes, giving myself time to cool down right now. I couldn't be snappy. The sooner I get this done the sooner he will leave.

We sat on the ground getting the first worksheet we were working on before then getting that sheet fully done and without any breaks we both jumped into the next one sure there were moments when I was breaking and he was kind enough to answer my questions this time not trying get me ask in the language although I decided on my own to try. As I wrote down a few answers I felt his eyes on me trying my best to ignore the fact he has been staring at me, however I froze feeling his fingers touch a few of my curls having a few fall on my forehead. I looked up at him with a brow raised as he kept playing with a few of the curls.

"Can you stop?" I snapped feeling him running his hand at the front of my hair at this point it was like he was playing with it. I worked hard to make sure these curls stay in place and he just messed it up with one hand movement. With huff I tried fixing it just by giving it a little ruffle. I can only imagine how bad I just made it.

He pulled his hand back, looking away from me. "I was just curious about your hair, all natural curls" he tried to avoid eye contact, pulling the notebook out from his bag fidgeting with the sheets rolling up the corner of one. He apologized to me wanting to get back the papers "we're almost done and like you ask I'll leave" this however hurt me? I didn't fully know how to explain it but seeing how quiet he got I felt my chest squeeze. I had reached over coping what he did to my curls to his hair playing with the front fringe of his waves pushing them out of his face getting to see his face fully no longer hiding behind them. We both just sat there oddly both of our eyes went wide like it just us two there I was able to take notice how light his eyes were. Mainly brown eyes are will to me they look the same but on him they looked bright full of life and curiosity.

I jumped up on my feet clearing up my throat "I'm thirsty. You? Yea! I'll get you some water" I rushed off, leaving him there on the floor. I needed to get out of there feeling like I lost my mind or maybe I was about to throw up? I don't know but I do know I felt my throat closing up. I leaned on the kitchen counter having my face covered up to muffle the noise I just made making myself more confused on why I was acting this way. I had to snap myself out of this! This guy is here because you're failing. I hate this guy and his goodie toe shoes timesheet he kept around. With a nod I went over grabbing some water for him like I said along with one of the baked treats Martha had made leaving a few for us to try out.

I went back out carrying everything taking a I almost kept on dropping the water how shaky my hand had become, freezing up as a voice hit my ears knowing that loud voice anywhere. With soft curls under my breath I returned back to the garage. I was right there by the entrance of the garage. Jackie already looked like he was going jumping the guy and Sabrina will she just gave a shrug walking off over towards the sofa taking her spot placing her bass case down. With not any blood on our floor I stopped the two getting right in front of Jackie pushing on dessert in his hands.

"What the hell is he doing here? Isn't this the guy you complained about?" Jackie asked, pulling me off the side. He looked back at Joey who by this time had stood up taking a better stand in case Jackie decided to release any anger.

"Yea, will- Look I just...I had to get him to help me for class. Look if you want to beat his ass do it outside the garage, but that's your funeral going up against a soccer player." We both turned our heads hearing Joey clear up his throat "I'll get going it's fine."

"No stay" I told him without a second thought. I must have really lost my mind. Joey on the other hand smiled at me "if you're ok with that maybe after one song." I could feel Joey eyeing me as I gave the ok.

Blurry Lines *first draft*Where stories live. Discover now