Even back at school I am still in a good mood from that night the two of us getting work done. Then it drifted to the band with his questions towards who wrote the music mentioning Sabrina clearly not being the brain behind it and will Jackie he wrote some, but I wrote the most and as embarrassed I was to pull it out I placed my notebook down where I usually wrote the songs for the band. Oftentimes I will just fill pages with random thoughts a lot were random lines that've been repeating in my head something I couldn't shake out. There was a point of him flipping through pages where I didn't let him see and I began to panic watching him pick up the corner flipping to the next page, snatching it right out of his hands. We both had just sat there going back to work only for us going back to talking which I figured out I didn't mind at this point enjoying the sound of his voice work was no longer on my mind.

During study hall I was able to get permission to go down into the music room already in the morning asking if I could come in during the time until my presentation to practice in one of the practice rooms the room had. The music room had these two maybe three small closets so our music teacher changed two into rooms where you could practice. It wouldn't be my first time going to one of these closest, however they are not my favorite thing in the world being small, just enough room to fit a few of the instruments, anything bigger needs to be practiced out of the closest. There were already a few other students, mainly a small group of theater kids already making noise. I ignored them all, feeling all their heads snap towards me as the volume of their voice had gone down along with a few laughs then back up to the high volume that they had before I walked in.

"Sanchez'' I turned my head; "I'm going take this group down for their practice run so no funny business in my music room. Got it." I gave her a nod understanding. There's really no need to worry about me most likely being in the closet.

I walked over towards the wall of lockers all looking like little cages holding instruments along with a few band kids binders with some scattered papers on the bottom. In the morning when I had come in asking if I could use the practice closest I had brought my old guitar with me leaving my nicer one at home. As much as you can trust a lock you can never trust these people in this school one way or another you should be keeping your nice stuff at home. That lock will be broken and your stuff is going to be taken; it has happened a good handful of times already and it hasn't hit any holidays yet. It can be a nice pen just sitting there and it will never be seen again. It actually has happened that I never saw my pen again which was rather cool and looked like a syringe since the time I got it was halloween. I shut the door, unzipped the bag and took my guitar out leaving the lock along with the bag back in the cage locker. With a few papers I made my way over towards the closest opening one of the closest from me.

I stepped in. I stopped right in the second step looking back at the door than back at who's in front of me. There sitting on a stool sat Niki on her phone and headphones on her head. She didn't realize I was there with her head dancing up and down listening to whatever she was playing. With a soft kick of the stool she jumped, turning back towards the door with mouth open ready to tell whoever came to bother her to get out. I gave her a small wave, taking a step in wanting to take a peak at what she was even trying to play.

"What are you playing?" I asked.

"Wait! No don't- the door! It's gonna-" Niki had jumped over with her hand reaching out not to me, but to the door not to my knowledge the door had begun to shut behind me. We both looked at the door now shut then eyes drifted back to each other than will back to the door none of us saying a word. I wiggled the door handle. Yup. Sure we are now stuck.

"For fuck sake can't you knock before coming in?" Niki asked, pushing past me trying to push the door open.

"How could I? I'm not the one wearing headphones." I pulled out my phone holding it up at least there was some single in here so who do I text? Will not Jackie and Sabrina would not let me hear the end of it being stuck with Niki. In the end I messaged Joey unsure really if he will see that DM at least I did my part.

Niki groaned out in frustration letting her forehead hit the door and stayed by the door. We both just stood there in silence. What would I even say to her?

"This isn't my first time." Niki spoke and turned back to face me. Her lips curled up and there was a small hit of redness coming up on her cheeks "I got here locked with Jessie." She let out a breathy laugh "she panicked more than I did at the time." My eyebrow rose at this unsure why she was telling me any of this. She must have understood my confusion as her smile quickly went away and panic appeared.

"Shit you're not?"

"I'm what? Gay no, bi? Yea" I informed her. I walked over towards the stool taking the seat to myself moving it closer towards the wall, "what?"

"I just- I didn't think you were... Look I didn't know if you were comfortable with speaking about that ok" Niki sat down letting her hair lean back on the door. We both sat there in silence both avoiding eye contact. I sighed checking on my phone under my message it showed he had seen it yet he never replied.

"I don't usually talk about it like there's no reason to bring it up" I gave off a shrug unsure really if I would ever tell the band or others. I knew for a while and it became kinda more clear after one of the garage band competitions one of the singers in the band we were competing in was a good looking guy. I couldn't really remember now how he looked but he looked hella shy being on stage and that just made my heart skip a little.

Niki gave me a nod. We both understood where we stood with this information and that is no one than us and maybe Jessie will know. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I wanted to ask so many questions right there; how could she be so comfortable being so close to Jessie? Was it because girls are usually closer and are more comfortable with that? It was still not my place to ask if Niki was comfortable with the topic she could have kept rumbling about Jessie.

"I have a question" maybe just one question wouldn't hurt.


My mouth opened once more then there almost as save by the bell was Joey opening up the door. He was breathing heavily, must have rushed here or maybe panicked?

"There. Now I have to go back before they think I ditched" he said, placing the door stopper instead. Niki must have face planted spotting the door stopper right next to the door on the outside.

She gathered up her things leaving the room for me to us "I should get going before they start hunting me down as well."

Joey moved off to the side letting her walk pass than looked at me. With a sigh he let his hands run through his hair pushing his bangs back. I walked past him rushing over to Niki before she fully left grabbing her arm.

"Don't tell others please. I haven't fully told people about it and I don't think I will until I'm out of town" I whispered letting her go. She promised she wouldn't. She understood the both of us are comfortable with who we are yet the idea of others knowing was holding us back. 

Blurry Lines *first draft*Where stories live. Discover now