"Are you sure about this?" Joey asked, turning back towards me taking another bite from the baked good "he's been staring for a whole five minutes now." I had to agree Jackie's staring began to feel unsettling as he was planning something that could end up both of us. I assure him everything will be fine if any trouble starts. This is my house if anything he will be asked to leave then later or tomorrow during school I would mostly hear about it.

I had the power to kick him out plus Sabrina would do her part of dragging her brother away "if anything I will hear it later after you leave." He gave a nod retreating back over towards the sofa taking a spot right in center watching us tune but gave him a front view of Jackie giving off a glare who at this point was still munching away on the baked good. At least it kept his mouth shut from anything else he would say. Now he was there in front of us. Suddenly I felt the nervous feeling my stomach turned suddenly my throat went dry. I had a few full views of him leaning back with his arms crossed his chest and there my head went empty having that same feeling I had from when it was just the two of us noticing his dimples right back in place. He must have taken notice of me starting, shifting in his seat, taking the chance to talk "who sings?"

"I do, but sometimes Cj here jumps in" Sabrina clapped her hands down upon my shoulders snapping out of the daze "but that means the bass random cuts while we play."

"Why don't you just focus on singing then?" He asked. Sabrina sent a glare over at his direction scruffing at the topic. We all thought about it however Sabrina fought us when we mentioned it so we dropped it for now we didn't want another fight between us then it doesn't help Jackie will just sit out trying to stay in the middle but in the end agrees with her every time saying something how he will stick by his family. I was just tired of dumb little fights she would start wasting the open time I get to have to ourselves. I stayed quite the last time I mentioned something about it. They both stopped talking to me and not the proudest moment I went back into a dark spot somewhere I promise not go into again. I didn't want Ruben and Martha to worry for me not again so I tried my best no to show it to them.

I cut it there playing a few notes taking their attention back to the whole reason why we were all here "you'll see what she means. Out of the two of us her vocals are stronger than ours anyways." We didn't have a full sound for the band but we all agreed with having it more of a punk reaching more punk pop like if we make it more punk maybe rock that would be better although for now it was that mainly because Sabrina as our main singer wasn't a big fan of our music taste, but she seemed interested in playing in a band. I think she just likes the attention. At first it was just going to be more of what Jackie and I usually listen to then maybe grow as we got better. I usually get into it never staying in a spot wandering from left to right and having all the room to do so as for Sabrina she usually stays on the taped spot I made as a marker so when we did the garage band competitions she would know where to stand and stay area wise. We didn't want her falling off the stage again. What I can tell from the quick glances I took Joey had been taking it in with his eyes closed, noticing his head slightly moving side to side. It was kind of cute? It made whatever shakiness I had from the idea of him watching melt away I wanted to take Sabrina spotlight away. I didn't fully understand it at that moment just seeing him there calmed me in a sort of way. I felt more excited to play in front of him. It was the same feeling I would get when we're in competitions from the thrills of fighting against others and crowds enjoying all the bands. I would be half way through the song before I can fully get into it.

"I have an idea" was the first thing Joey said as we ended the song. He stood up a little hesitant but spoke up "got another guitar?"

"You play?" I asked, taking it a bit back. I didn't know the sports boy had any time to learn anything other than making sure he didn't get hit in the face with a soccer ball. He rubs the back of his neck running hand through his hair able see his eyes drift off to the side this was something he doesn't usually share I'm guessing.

"I do, but..um it's more acoustic"

With a moment of silence I glanced at Joey who shook his head clearly not into the idea that was building in my head.

"No" "try it out" we both spoke making us both look at each other with him throwing his hands up trying get Sabrina to back up with him on my choice. She however in the end agreed with me.

"I want to see the soccer boy play, maybe that's how he's winning all the cheerleaders" she teased. Joey's face turned red at her words and I became annoyed as it ticked me off more than I thought it would. I had rolled my eyes at her words, handing over my guitar to him.

"Here, I'll go get my spare in my room" I shut him before he would fight me on it. He sighed, taking it from me "can I use the bathroom too?"

"Sure you can use mine, it's just upstairs" showing him in. I led the way over towards the stairs where he stood and stared "this is the upstairs?" pointing at the five small steps to go up. "Look this house was built like that and besides I enjoy not falling down the stairs at night" making my way up. We went up giving off a small wave towards the closed door as I walked across into my bedroom room off on the other side of the bookshelf was another guitar older than the one I let Joey use yet still good now... to find a pick in the mess scattered on the dresser. I know there were a few extra here somewhere I just need to find them.

"I lied I just didn't want to stay with them" Joey spoke out making me jump, knocking my hand on the knobs of the dresser. Turning back around he was already looking around my walls taking in everything almost like a curious puppy. What made me raise a brow was him asking with some signatures that were real on a poster and if I had to be honest I didn't fully know if it was real or not so I just shrugged. I turned back around looking once again there under a pile of shirts was my small jar of picks digging through.

"I didn't know you actually knew that band." I walked back over towards him looking back at the poster on my wall "you don't seem like that type of guy." He chuckled at this.

""Oh you be surprised then" picking up the sides of his hair showing off his ears that were hidden away from us earlier, unsure what that would prove anything of what else would surprise me that was until I spotted them small but black. Hidden away under all that hair was gauges and without really thinking grabbing by his face I pulled him closer with the first thought these had to be fake. He laughed this time taking my hands off his face.

"I know what you're thinking and yes they are real. I got them with my little sister. She was scared and so I had to show her that there was nothing to be scared about." There was another laugh a little different than the one before eyes against drifting off to the side again. "I will kill you if you let others know about it."

I laughed this time taking my hands away freeing myself "fine if this means you can keep telling me new things." Maybe this guy was something else.

Blurry Lines *first draft*Where stories live. Discover now