19th of December 1993

75 7 3

"Like love, grief is non negotiable." - Nick Cave

Hogwarts, Scotland

Eventually, with no more sightings of Pettigrew to justify otherwise, the visits to Hogsmeade were reinstated and just in time for the end of term. Exams were over, most students were due to return home in a few days and everyone was eager to celebrate. Harry figured that was his chance to show Ron and Hermione the Marauders' Map and invite himself to their weekend of shopping and holiday cheer. Ron, though mad at his brothers for keeping a secret for so long, was unquestionably excited and Hermione, though fascinated by the magic, expressed concern over his decision.

"Look, I know it's a risk." He'd told her a few days before. "But I've been really thinking about this. I'll be under the cloak at all times and if there's any sign of Pettigrew or any sort of trouble, I'll come back." She conceded as she had admittedly been pitying Harry for missing out on their first weekend out of the castle at the start of term.

On Saturday morning, as everyone made their way out of the castle, Harry snuck to the third floor toward the statue of a humpback, one-eyed witch, where Fred and George had instructed the passageway to Honeydukes would be. The Map showed Harry tapping the stone with his wand and so he did, slowly, splotches of ink began forming the word dissendium where his name had previously been. He said the spell as quietly as he could and the witch straightened her posture and stepped aside revealing a small hole with a ladder where she had been standing.

"Mischief Managed." He folded the map and put it in one of his pockets before climbing down. Above him, he heard the statue returning to its position leaving him in complete darkness, once down the ladder, with his hands free, he pulled out his wand. "Lumos" He whispered. He looked around and found himself in a narrow stone corridor with earth beneath his feet. The passage twisted and turned, resembling the burrow of a giant rabbit. Harry hurried along it, stumbling over the uneven floor, with his wand held out in front of him.

The walk was long and exhaustive and he could've been there for an hour or five and he wouldn't have known. Eventually, the passage began to rise, much to his displeasure, his face felt hot and his feet cold, further ahead he spotted old, worn stone steps rising out of his line of sight. Once he reached them, he climbed up quietly, a hundred steps, two hundred, it could've been any more or less than that, but he didn't count them knowing it would've made the path feel longer. Instead he consoled himself by repeating in his head that it couldn't possibly be infinite and he felt certain that much at least, was probably true.

Hogsmeade, Scotland

After some time, he reached a trapdoor. He snuffed out his wand and waited in silence, listening for movement. When nothing happened, he pushed it open, reaching what it seemed to be a cellar, filled with wooden crates and boxes and the strong smell of sweets. He climbed out of the trapdoor and closed it carefully, it blended perfectly with the dusty floor and if he didn't know better, he'd say it was never there in the first place. Slowly, he crept up a wooden staircase, as it was seemingly the only way out. He heard the opening and closing of a door outside, the tinkle of a bell and excited chatter.

Luckily, the door out of the cellar was ajar, with a gap just wide enough for his body to slip through and stand behind the counter at Honeydukes. He snuck under the segment that was supposed to lift to allow passage and swiftly zigzagged his way out of the store, finding Ron and Hermione sitting outside, waiting for him.

"Boo." He whispered, before either of his friends could notice the footprints he was leaving. Startled, Hermione dropped her book on the snow and Ron hit his head on the glass behind him.

"Very funny." They both said, annoyed.

The day wasn't exactly what Harry wanted. Being under the cloak meant that if he wanted to buy something he'd have to sneak Ron or Hermione his galleons and have them do it, he had to walk behind them to hide his footprints and avoid bumping into other people and he couldn't say anything when Blaise Zabini shoulder-checked Ron for no good reason. Inconveniences aside, he enjoyed himself, he made a few purchases at Zonko's that Hermione strongly disapproved of, bored Ron to death at Tomes & Scrolls and spent twenty minutes staring at a Firebolt at the window display of Spintwitches Sporting Needs after he'd already spent all his pocket money.

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