1st Year Correspondence

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"Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone." - Anon

September, 1991

"Hello cub,

How are you doing? I'm well! We were glad to hear you were sorted into Gryffindor. And don't worry about Quirrell, he's a bit odd, but he is harmless. I can't believe Severus is picking on you already.

On another note, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm afraid there has been an attack in the muggle school you went to. The non magical authorities are claiming it was a terrorist attack, but a friend of mine in the Auror's Department said they are investigating a Death Eater strike. Many people were hurt, but no one died.

I took the liberty of contacting your muggle friends and they are all well.

Much love,



"Hey Moony,

I'm glad to hear no one died. I hope everyone who got hurt gets better soon.

I'm well, school has been nice. I have two new friends, Hermione Granger, she's the smartest in our year and she knows it, so she is a bit arrogant. She is a muggleborn like mum; then there is Ron Weasley, papa and I met him at the station, he isn't the best with school, but he's beaten me in chess quite a few times already.

I'm the new seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, which has been great so far. Oliver Wood, our captain, is quite obsessed with quidditch, it kinda reminds me of what you and papa said my dad was like. McGonagall says I'm the youngest seeker in the century.

Draco Malfoy (the boy I met at Madam Malkins this summer) wasn't happy about it, he is a great git and I keep catching him lurking outside the Quidditch pitch after practice. I think he might be stalking me.





You can't imagine how happy we were to hear you made the house team, we want to know all about your games. And yes it sounds like your dad would have gotten along with this Oliver fellow and don't mind about losing in chess, your dad was dreadful at it too.

Regarding the Malfoy kid, maybe you should pull a prank on him, a dungbomb or some interesting transfiguration work on his hair.

We're also glad to hear that you've made friends, we do hope you don't have any too annoying roommates.

Wishing you golden snitches and sending a lot of love,

Remus and Sirius."

October, 1991

"Hey Moony and Pads,

Quidditch has been fun, but we've had a lot of homework from all of the teachers.

I've lost track of how many times I've gotten lost, this castle is too big and the stairs are driving me insane, though I did memorise the fake step and I haven't fallen in it since the third week. Someone should make a map.

I wish you were here with Halloween right around the corner. Nearly Headless Nick did invite me and my friends to his deathday party, so I guess now I have to go.

How's renny?

With love and lions,


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