2nd Year Correspondence - part 2

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"To remind her that she is just a woman, just a thing he can exert power over, just a guest in what's always been his world, his streets" - For the Rapists Who Call Themselves Feminists, Blythe Baird

January 1993

"Dear Remus and Sirius,

I've been wondering whether or not to tell you this and decided that I should. I have made an interesting discovery: apparently I know Parseltongue.

At the end of last term the school decided to start a duelling club in light of the recent events and I had to fight Malfoy, he conjured up a snake and it tried to attack Justin Finch-Fletchley, but I told it to stop and it did. Now everyone seems to think that I'm the heir of Salazar Slytherin and that I opened the Chamber of Secrets.

Do you know anything about this?

Also, Snape duelled Lockheart and I was rather conflicted about who to cheer for. Snape obviously won. After all. Lockhart is as useless for a professor as a remembrall for a blind wizard.




"Dear Harry,

We're sorry to hear that, but I find it very unlikely that you are a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, especially because you're Gryffindor. I also didn't know anything about either of your parents speaking Parseltongue, but I can look into it if you like. In the meantime, try not to let what people are saying get to you, kids can be cruel.

The best outcome for that duel would've been mutual destruction, (don't tell Sirius I said that).



February 1993

"Dear Remus and Sirius,

There is no longer any doubt, the Chamber of Secrets is real and it has been opened, as of right now no one knows what the monster is or where it's hiding.

A few months ago I was certain Malfoy was behind it, but apparently he just pretends to know what is happening when he's just as lost and scared as everyone else.

I would love to know more about the Parseltongue thing.



"Hey lad,

Remus and I have been talking and we believe it might be best for you to return home until all this chamber business is resolved.

We haven't found anything about your recently discovered multilingual talents.




"What? No, I cannot go home.

It would make things worse, the whole school already thinks I'm evil, if I leave now they'd think I'm running away. I can't go back.


March 1993

"Hey cub,

We understand your concern, so we'll let you stay for now.





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