Fair warning

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Hey all!

Thanks for choosing to read Mommy's Mami!

Before you begin reading, I would like to give you heads up that this story is a MASSIVE mess.

It is all over the place and has no real structure. Although I have several ideas, when I began this book I did not create a plan or structure to how I was gonna write this book in a way to properly show you Kassidy and Demi's story.

Currently, I am on a writing break. I have made several announcements on my message board, and many many many author's notes stating that I am editing or taking a chunk of time to write chapters. However, behind the scenes, that is not what is happening.

In all truth,  I am in a writing slump. I have zero motivation to write for any of my stories. I have tried to write on several occasions but got no further than a couple sentences. Often times I've gone to pinterest to look for pins that fit my characters. I've gone to canva to create images and I've gone to tiktok to 'look for inspiration'.

It's bullshit.

I'm very clearly not getting anything done and I do apologize for all the empty promises. I do not intend to disappoint or frustate any of you with my empty promises because I do try.

Unfortunately, I do not have the ability to write at the moment and have only just got out of my reading slump. I'm still stuck in my writing slump and am unsure of where to go with any of my published stories, as well as the seven unpublished ones.
I believe school may play a part in my inability to write which sucks.

With all of this being said, I do not know when I'll be able to write nor publish a chapter again. It may be likely that all my books will be put on hold until summer so please, if you are just beginning this book, do not get your hopes up.

I appreciate all the love you have all cotinued to show me and my work and hope to get back soon!

As always, remember to take a break from your screen, get something to eat/drink, go outside or do something productive- like getting done that task.

(Don't even try to ignore it, you know it's not gonna just disappear, you're going to have to do it sooner or later. Sooner sounds better doesn't it? I think so.)

You are loved. You are beautiful.  You are wanted/needed. You are awesome.

Love you all!❤


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