Decision has been made

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So, first of all, thank you to those who gave me their opinion on the last chapter.

I've made my mind and decided to go with the direction the comments pointed me in.

I'll be going bye bye!

I think I'll go full radio silent for 2 months and comeback after the time is up, kinda pop my head in sort of speak, let you all know how chapter updating is going and then possibly disappear again for another month or two.

I'm sorry if this is not what you agree with it but I think this will work best.🙂

I appreciate all the reads, votes and comments I've gotten so far.
Just because I'm gone though doesn't mean you have to stop reading. I'll still sort of be here to reply to any questions or comments, dms are open!

I'll see y'all soon.

Last reminder for the next couple months:

take a break from your screen, get smth to eat/drink, go outside or do smth productive- like getting done that task. Don't even try to ignore it, you know it's not gonna just disappear, you're going to have to do it sooner or later. Sooner sounds better doesn't it? I think so.

You are loved. You are beautiful.  You are wanted/needed. You are awesome.

And you need to get some sleep!

Love you all and I'll see you for the check in on Monday, October 23rd!❤

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