I'm home!

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It was another day of working out at the gym. This time I was alone and doing deadlifting. Currently I was lifting 235lbs, it was fun. I had been here at the gym for 6 hours already and was waiting on some friends who said they'd join me later on.
Speaking of the devils, here they come.

"Hello Calie, Telyn!" I welcomed as they came close. "Hi Kassidy!" They both replied.

So quick fill-in/backstory.  They know who I am underneath the mask and no I didn't tell them. I really tried to keep it a secret but you know how it is with your best friend. You can spot them from a mile away! They knew who I was by day 2 and there was no way to convince them otherwise.

Now, Calie Kelso and Telyn Isaacs or Lacey-rae Salcido(her ring name) are my closest friends. Both have been my best friends since we were 16, 17 & 18- me being the oldest. Both women are solo heels, working alone but occasionally helping one another out. For years, we've protected one another like we were sisters, running in saving eachothers asses during various matches.

"How's your workout been so far?" Telyn asked as she placed her water down and came over to spot me, Calie resting against the mirror watching. "It's been alright, although it will be better when we get to wrestle!" Usually when us girls work out together, we wrestle one another to help better each other and keep us in good shape. "So, how has your family been, Calie?" I asked Calie. She was a single woman and didn't have any kids of her own but she has her sister and her niece living with her. "They've been good. Sammi has a boyfriend now." She laughed as she mentioned sammi's 'boyfriend'. Sammi is only 6, therefore her relationship with this boy isn't serious and only causes us grown ups to laugh.

"And how long have they been together?" I said in a serious  yet joking tone, "2 days" Telyn and I stiffled a quiet laugh and continued working out for the next 4 hours. In those 4 hours we wrestled eachother until we couldn't lift a single finger even while we laid motionless on the floor.

Once I felt slightly better and had a bit more energy, I gathered up the words to ask the other 2 ladies if they wanted to go out for dinner. Both agreed so after another 10 minutes of resting on the ring floor, we all got up, gathered our belongings and headed out the door. We had collectively decided that we would just drive until we found a restaurant we liked, so as I hopped in my truck, I called the groupchat. I pulled out of the parking lot with the girls hot on my tail.

During the drive we would occasionally point out a restaurant to see if the others agreed which we usually didn't. After a few, we finally settled on one and pulled into the parking lot and got out of our vehicles,  making our way to the entrance. Upon arrival,  there was a family making their way out of the building when they spotted us. It was a family of five and what looked to be the youngest child, seemed to have spotted us first and point us out to the rest of her family. All of them seemed to have been excited when they spotted us three. The oldest child could be heard begging his father to allow him to come ask if him and his family could get a picture. The dad seemed hesitant, not wanting to say yes thinking it would annoy us or bug us in someway, even though his inner child wanted to, just as bad as his kids. While the kids continued to beg their parents, I pointed the family out to Telyn and Calie, motioning for them to come with me.

As a group, we walked up to the family. I guess they were too busy with one another, that they didn't realize we were walking towards them. "Excuse me, sorry to bother you but I couldn't help but over hear you're conversation. Would you guys like a photo or autograph?" When talking to a fan I always choose to use a sweeter, gentler tone for an easy soft approach. I find doing this often leads to a calmer, better interaction, rather then an interaction where the fan is overstimulated and put into a state of shock because speaking from personal preference, it's always better to feel comfortable and not overwhelmed. 

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