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It had been exactly a week since the announcement of The Judgement Day and the night I helped her. Since then I have spent the duration of this past week training with Edge at this gym roughly twenty minutes away from the arena. 

Currently,  I was doing my hair and makeup for tonight's match. We weren't wrestling but we were gonna be making an appearance- a backstage segment. I was about fifteen minutes away from finishing up my hair, already being in my outfit; a beaded, crystal pearl blazer, thigh length with shorter shorts than usual underneath, it was the last thing I needed to finish.

Crossing the last strained, I turn over in my chair and reached for tonight's combat boots that reached just beneath my knee and were an incredible pain in the ass to tie up.  Grabbing my bag, waterbottle and keys, I headed out to my truck and drove to the Performance Center. The drive was filled with zero chatter but with tons of metal and hard-core head banging that I would be paying for later.

Heading into the gorilla I looked for Edge but couldn't find him. I had texted him to find out where he was but got no response. Although I did not find Edge I did however find his wife. 
     "Beth!" I called out using her stage name in case of any camera's.
     "Silence?" She said hesitantly. "That is your name correct? I believe that's what Adam told me!" She quickly tried to justify. I chuckled in amusement, the use of her husband's government name however made me sqwirm internally. Everyone knows to be careful using government names in the gorilla due to the fact cameras come in without warning and you never know what the mics will pick up.
"I'm looking for your husband, do you know where he is? I tried to text him- no response." My voice was slightly muffled because of the mask but she seemed to hear me just as well.
"I think he was upstairs with Damian, the two of them were looking for you I believe." She said a small, delicate smile gracing her face.

|The rest of the chapter below is in the midst of being rewritten. Please excuse the lack of connection between the above and below. The editing is going to be resumed tomorrow for now I'm going to bed, night!
2:49am on 17/12/23|

"Judgement Day" Priest said stiffly, almost as if he was nervous, "Priest " Edge replied. "What can I do for the 2 of you" Priest said. I turned to Edge and motioned for him to give me his phone, he reluctantly gave it to me and I began typing. Once I was done the short message I turned the phone around to show Priest. The message read- I am aware that you don't trust us but we only want to speak to you. "Okay" I turned the phone around and erased the message and began to type a new one. As you know, the Judgement Day is looking for new members. Damian you are the first person we would like to offer this opportunity to. You have so much potential in you and we want to help you. As great as you are now, you could do so much better in The Judgement Day. Right now everyone looks at you as if you are pathetic and just some easy match. Any easy win. You've lost so many times and the other superstars are turning you into a joke. If you joined us you wouldn't lose ever again. You would have a team you could count on when you need help. You would win so many more championships and matches. Join us and you'll be left alone. We won't have to hurt you. Please join us Damian Priest. You could be invincible. I could help you learn new moves that would make you feared but so much stronger! You don't need to give us an answer now but at least consider it. ~

Finishing the message I turned the phone around and let him scroll through and read. I could tell he was hesitant and became nervous at the little threat towards the end. When he was finished, he looked back at me a little scared. "She's the one choosing you. We are not scripted, this is not being forced" Edge said after seeing Damian's face. "I'll think about it" I slowly nodded and turned around, deleting the message I handed Edge's phone back and walked away. I sat on a flight case and waited for us to be called out.

Our music was blaring throughout the stadium as we walked down to the ring although it couldn't be heard over the crowd who was either booing or cheering- mostly booing. Walking into the ring we were both handed mics. We stood there waiting for everyone to quite down but they weren't and Edge got impatient. "SHUT UP!" He had yelled into his mic. The audience quieted down shortly after but there were still a few. " You can boo all you want but it won't do anything! How dare you disrespect us like that! How dare you disrespect her like that!" Edge motioned to me. " And you all wanna know who she is... why would she reveal herself to those who don't respect her, honestly how stupid are you morons?!-" Edge continued to say his original speech about the things we were planning about joining us before it is too late. Eventually when he learned to shut up, he challenged AJ to a match. I walked over to him and whispered in his ear to challenge Sonya Deville on behalf of me. Once he did so and was done, our music queued and we left the ring, walking back up to the gorilla.

Once back stage we were met with Damian who nodded to us and then left to do his match. Edge and I sat down in front of the monitors to watch his match. Edge ended up leaving before Priest walked out. Apparently he didn't have any interest in watching Damian and couldn't care less. His attitude ticked me off but I let him go and stayed to watch his match. What?! I want to be able to see what else I could help him with.

Time skip

He won the match, his opponent coming back almost immediately after the bell rung , while he stayed to celebrate in the ring a little bit. When he came back in, he walked over to me where I was in front of the monitors. "I've made up my mind" I immediately stood up out of the chair and grabbed his wrist pulling him into a more private area where no one could eavesdrop. Once it was safe I nodded and motioned for him to continue. "I want to join" he said, a smirk growing on his face. Yes! I jumped up and down, spinning in a circle, making him laugh. Calming down, I stuck my hand out for him to shake. "Welcome Damian" I said with ashit eating grin underneath my mask. He seemed surprised to hear my voice. " You speak" he said "Only to those in The Judgement Day" I said. "Now we need to exchange some info but then you'll be set for now."

After a few minutes we exchanged phones numbers and I texted Edge telling him we got our new member. "Alright now, we have a training on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, you need to be there. Those will be the days we will help you ease into the ways of The Judgement Day and being a Heel. Tuesday we'll go visit the big boss and update him." I listed off the main info I could share. "Alright, sounds like a plan." He said with a bit of chuckle. Saying goodbye we went our separate ways. I went to the women's locker room, grabbed my things and left.

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