Love in the sea [engl.]

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Requested story by emmaks01

Not at all my art up there! Thank you for your request, I hope you'll like it🤗🖤❤️🖤


Lying on a rock, hair in the wind, you were looking at the Captain Shadow's ship next to the land far away. He was coming back to visit you, you could feel it. Even though his crew didn't knew a thing about the Captain Shadow's real reason to be here, he was indeed keeping this secret away from them. On the ship, the most well-known pirate of the sea was giving his last orders before he went "looking around".

Black Rose (AKA: Amy): It' the third time we're coming here this month, how long are we staying here Captain?

C. Shadow: As long as I think we need to.

Without more further explanations, he asked to his two other crewmen to clean the middle-deck for the day. On that, he went on his journey to find you, great expectations into his head and heart.

It's been a week I haven't seen her... I... I can't let her be by herself, alone like this. I... Can't.

Thinking of your deep E/C eyes, he was again remembering himself of your first encounter. It was on a stormy night, the ship was moving in unwanted directions because of the gigantic waves and when he wasn't looking, a strong one hit him and he felt into the water. The second he was opening his eyes for some short-time because of the saltiness of the water, he saw an indistinct form in front of him. Two arms around his waist he felt, then he was carried away. The hedgehog was missing oxygen so bad that he had began to lose consciousness and in a last effort, you jumped out of the water and landed directly onto the sand of a nearby beach. The hit of the landing made him spit out all the water he had inside of him and he rubbed his eyes as he still couldn't see clearly. You tried to back away since you had landed on top of him but he quickly caught you. He even ordered you to stay although you knew he could have get you killed. You stayed still on him for a moment and you looked directly into his eyes too. Those red ruby eyes of his caught you. Heck, you were even asking yourself if he wasn't the one putting a spell onto you with them. After this long moment of silence, a weird impression got to you. The sensation of your throat burning, your lungs to shrink... You needed to go back into the water. You knew you couldn't stay more than ten little minutes... You knew what you were... A merhog.

A lonely lost merhog.

Suddenly, you turned and jumped away directly inside of the dear hydrogen, the sea was calling you back. He caught your arm. He wanted to look at you more, look at this beautiful sight of this mystical "monster" of the sea you were suppose to be. You were a phenomena to him, a lovely legend he wanted to believe by himself, was true. He asked you many questions that you didn't answer at all. His knees half into the water, you put your face inside of it many times and he understood. He decided to let you go at one condition: «Don't swim away from me». He then slowly let you go and you quickly swam away... Then came back even if you knew it was the worst mistake a mermaid could do. Sheepishly, a part of your head was out of the water and you just looked at him while he still stared at you. «Can you talk», that's what he asked and you nodded. That wasn't the exact answer he wanted. The hedgehog asked you if you could sing and you nodded again, which frustrated him a little. «Sing for me», he asked again and you shook your head "no". The Captain wanted to hear it but wasn't it obvious? That was the reason why you were a lonely mermaid, you had refuse to be like the others. You had refuse to kill with music, to kill poor men that didn't do anything wrong to you and that just needed love and for the concept you had made your philosophy on... You had been banned. But he didn't knew any of this and was just interested by your look. Instead of killing men you had decided to save them and he was one of the many that would just try to stay with you a little more longer to finally capture you. Those men had always wanted something they didn't have and to be in possession of a legend was a dream for them... So you were careful though feeling deeply lonely and he was there, not knowing the weird feelings going through him. You knew what he wanted. «Could you let me go», he was flabbergasted by your crystal clear soft voice. Voice that you still tried to muffle since your singing killing genes could appear at any moment. He told you how sweet he found it and then he looked into the water to see your forms. Looking away, a quick sorry escaped him but something caught his attention. Your curves were a little too deep on the sides of your belly. He actually finally noticed the scar on your right arm that happened to be here in the urge of saving him between the corals. He came closer and told you about his intentions of healing you. Curious of his actions, you let him come nearer and that was the beginning of the love at first sight story of you and him after he actually obligated you to eat food. «You saved me and there's no way I'm letting my saviour die of hunger», that's what he had said and went looking around for food to give to you. Finding his demeanor sweet and his attention towards you carry... You let yourself get carried into this first real warm feeling you had never felt before. Now, he wanted to see you. He needed it, he even craved for it...

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