Save the hedgehog [engl.] Part 1

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As usual:

Y/N: Your Name

A/T: Animal/Type

Have a good time reading!


New mission. Save the hedgehog.

That was the title of the mission who were given to me by the Commander after he explained me the plan for the rescue. He gave me one picture. It was a weird hedgehog specie, a black and red one. He was in the middle of a large empty room in cement, all chained up, arms in the air, cuts and bruises all over him. That was the only photo we had of this experiment and one of the most painful to see too but when you're an agent, nothing's about feelings. I was told he was used for experimentation, for get rape on and to be the punchbag. It wasn't a story for kids. We got many cases like this one but on... Animals? Was it only an animal? Anyway, after all of that, the troops were gather together and we made our way to the hidden lab in the forest. Actually, I wasn't an agent this time. I was a rich evil lady from the Czech Republic, who's here to do weird, funny business with the poor mistreat hedgehog.


After the verification and all the other shit maniacs and villains are used to do to be sure it wasn't an imposture, two guards accompanied me to the "cell". Finally in front of it, they let me go inside the dark by myself and as the door closed, they went away. I knew there was four cameras but the lights were still off. Suddenly, as I asked myself, the lights turned on and there he was. A spitting image of the picture but he looked even more in pain.

Poor hedgehog... C'mon now. The mission, follow the plan and everything should be fine.

I got closer to the hedgehog as he tried to pretend to be asleep. I carefully put my hands on his sides and he began to growled weakly. I got closer to his ear and be sure to whisper while trying to move my lips as less as possible.

Y/N: We are here to save you. We have a plan but please follow exactly my orders.

They were watching us. I let one of my finger run down from his chest to his little belly. He hissed of pain.

He's hurt everywhere?! How can they do that to... I'm gonna need to be a little more careful but I have to get him out of here. Only two minutes now.

Y/N: Are you allowing me to go to the level of your neck.

I could feel his hesitation. For him, he must thought it was a kind of trap but after some seconds an almost nonexistent nod he did. So I just kissed it one time.

Y/N: Listen to me. In exactly 25 seconds there's gonna be a short black out. The time of our escape will be of 18 seconds. The handcuffs are going to be deactivated and I'm quickly gonna put you on my back. Please remind still, and do not try to escape nor debate or resist while we're gonna proceed so we can make sure everything runs smoothly, for your own security, according to the plan. Are you ready? In three, two, one...

As I exactly counted previously in my head, the power ran out and it was show time. As the handcuffs released him, I immediately put him on my back as he put his flimsy arms around my neck. I took out a psychokinesis gun from a hidden side pocket and aimed at the door to grab it and took it off. I immediately heard fighting in the others alleys but I made my way in the only safe one according to the plan.

I love it when everything goes exactly like it's planned. So G.U.N's soldiers are fighting the guards and trying to arrest the scientists. Now, I need to find my motor and clear out to my home with the hedgehog.

All the adrenaline flooding in my veins made me ran even faster. I felt a kind of sweat on the back of my neck but I didn't pay attention to it. I needed to put him to safety before bad things could happen. He was heavy but there was not a reason to let go. He was my priority. Finally, we were outside. I made my way to my motorcycle and climbed on it. I held him a blanket.

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