The morning after Christmas [engl.]

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Note: *The picture have nothing to do with the story and I didn't made it😂*So listen everybody... This chapter is how SHadow loves to tease you about all the... Enjoyable... Things that happened during the night of Christmas [I know I'm late of a day but that's life🥲]. So this chapter can be too much for some persons and I didn't put a limit in my title but here's my advertizing: There's no descriptions but it may have some little heated of temperature here and there but really, it's just some double-sense talking so... Depends of you😅 Anaway!🫡 Hope yall will like it😉😏😳 So good morning!😘


I woke up to a sun ray coming from the window that felt directly on my face. I opened one eye and sighted heavily.

Oh c'mon...

I sat in bed to realized that...



My clothes were onto the floor. I blushed and my temperature blew up knowing what happened during the funny night we had. I bit my lip to the sensation he had left inside of me. I looked to my side, my hedgehog wasn't there. I tried to get out of bed but failed lamentably.

Y/N: What?

I tried to stood up but again, fell back onto the bed. I felt like my legs were made of cotton and a knot was inside of me. I bit my lip as I lied down and looked at the ceiling.

Should I call him? Is he still even in the house?

The bed sheets on me, I tighten my grip on them.

If I ask him to come... Will he...

I hid my face for a moment trying not to think of how the third round with him would be. After a moment of torture for my mind and me that wanted to go to the bathroom...

Y/N: Sh-... Shadow?


Y/N: Shadow!

A green flash suddenly lightened the entire room.

Shadow: What is it my love?!

Y/N: Shh... I'm sorry for screaming.

Shadow: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yes...

Shadow: Is something wrong? Are yo-

He just observed me while I blushed and that he grinned a little. He calmly walked to the side were I was. He half lied down next to me and let his hand brush the side of my face. He kissed my forehead while I had his chest fluff in my face.

Shadow: ~Good morning my Y/N. Did you enjoy our night?

I put my arms around his neck and he put his under my arms and on my back, feeling my fur/skin.

Y/N: Yes...

Shadow: I enjoyed it a lot too, my wife-to-be.

He began to kiss my neck, nuzzling his muzzle in it while his hands moved softly. He began to let out some love words as he was actually remembering me the impressions of yesterday.

Shadow: Love... Mm, Sweetie... My dove... Soft Y/N. You're my ~sweet chaos...

He wasn't saying them that softly during night.

I kissed his head while he began to go a little downer than my neck but he stopped.

Shadow: Do you want more my Y/N?

I let out an involuntary whimper. It wasn't of needing, only the fact that his saying was a little exciting... But I couldn't take more right now. Sadly, this sound was for him a confirmation for his next actions.

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