Day with NCT day 2

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Jaemin's alarm woke you up the next morning.

Lisa "Babyy~~"

Jaemin "Mmh ?"

Lisa "Turn it off."

Jaemin "Uh ?"

Lisa "The alarm."

Jaemin "Yeah, we gotta wake up."

Lisa "5 more minutes."

Jaemin "Get up I'll make breakfast."

Lisa "I'm soo tired and it kinda hurts."

Jaemin "Really ?" I'm sorry baby, I told you we shouldn't have done it."

Lisa "It's fine at least I can walk."

You got up and took a shower before going to the living in his bathrobe.

Lisa "Babe I don't have clothes ?"

Jaemin "Just take a hoodie and a shirt. We'll go to the dorm anyway."

Lisa "Okay."

Jaemin "Come eat when you're done."

You were back at the dorm.

Lisa "Good morning guys."

Jeno "Hey."

Mark "Yooo, you came back ?"

Lisa "Yeah, I gotta change can't go out like that."

Mark "Oh yeah didn't see. Anyways did you guys eat ?"

Jaemin "Yeah."

Mark "Okay well go change Lili we're leaving in a bit."

Lisa "Okay. I'll be right back."

You got to Jeno's room and changed into your own clothes.

Lisa "Nono how do I look ?"

Jeno "Cute like always."

Lisa "Thanks. Good morning Renjun."

Renjun "Good morning Lisa, you look cute today."

Lisa "Thank you that was the point of the outfit. Looking cute."

Jaemin "Well my baby does look cute."

He whispered to your hear.

Jaemin "But you gotta cover that up with your hair babe."

You noticed he was talking about the hickeys on your neck.

Lisa "Oh yeah thanks, if Mark or Jeno see this they're gonna freak out."

Jeno "What are you guys whispering to each other ?"

Lisa "None of your business."

Jaemin "She's got a point."

Mark "Guys let's go the others are already there."

Lili uploaded an Instagram story

Lili uploaded an Instagram story

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~Sweet And Sexy Boyfriend-Na Jaemin~Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα