Bad things on bad things

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When you entered uni people were looking at you like always but you didn't mind them, throughout the years you got used to it. You texted your friends while going to the main building.

The youngest

Guys where are you
I'm already there

Jaewon: I'm almost here

What about you Hayoon and Haneul

Hayoon: Yeah we're coming
I'm literally dragging Haneul right now

Always him 😭
Anyways I'm waiting for you guys in the main building

Hayoon: Okay, We'll be there in a few minutes

While waiting for them you tried texting Jaemin but it seems like he was already back asleep so you texted Jeno instead.

Nono 🧸

I wanna kms

Why why
What happened

I'm at uni right now

Already ??
But I thought it was next week

No it's this week
I'm literally stressing out right now
Like I thought people would stop looking at me this year but no
Why do we have to look alike so much

Calm down
Don't mind them just be calm
Aren't your friends with you

They should be here anytime
Oh Jaewon is here
Okay I feel more relaxed now that he's here

Well don't stress too much
Everything will be good
Have a good day Princess

You too and go to sleep
I know your schedule only start this afternoon
You should rest

Yeah yeah
Anyways bye

Love you Prince
And tell Mel I said hi and I love him too
Thank you

Love you too

Jaewon "Yooo Lisa."

Lisa "Heyy."

Jaewon "How are you ?"

Lisa "I was literally stressing out cus I thought you guys weren't coming."

Jaewon "No don't worry."

Lisa "Anyways, how are you ? How was your holidays ?"

Jaewon "Pretty cool but I'm sad we didn't get to hang out much."

Lisa "Yeah."

Jaewon "How was your's ?"

Lisa "Really good too. Look what I did."

Jaewon "Yoo no way you did a bellybutton piercing. It suits you."

Lisa "Thanks, I literally did it last week. I was so nervous about it but it actually went well."

~Sweet And Sexy Boyfriend-Na Jaemin~Where stories live. Discover now