•Lot of surprises•

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Mark "Heeseung is coming ?"

Lisa "I don't know, he said he'll try to."

Mark "Oh okay."

Lisa "Since we said no more secrets between us, I should tell you that."

Jeno "What ??"

Lisa "I'm gonna do a bellybutton piercing."

Jeno "Really ??"

Mark "There's no way mom and dad agreed on that."

Lisa "They did for real."

Mark "Okay and when are you gonna do it ?"

Lisa "I made an appointment for next week. But you're not mad ? Like you're letting me do it ?"

Mark "Yeah, I'm really gonna change this time. Like I'm gonna give you space and everything, and I don't want to fight with you anymore. I really love you Lili, and I want you to know that everything that I've done was to protect you."

Lisa "Yeah I know, I love you too."

Jeno "Enough with the I love you."

Lisa "Oh I just noticed, Mel you're not wearing your glasses."

Mark "Yeah, I forgot them at the dorm."

Lisa "Bruh, and you don't have another one here ?"

Mark "Na."

Lisa "That's kinda stupid, but anyways let's go downstairs I'm hungry. And I didn't even say good morning."

Jeno "You slept a lot."

Lisa "No I didn't really, I couldn't find sleep until almost 3 am."

Jeno "That's because you decided not to talk to me ."

Lisa "I was mad for real. But I missed you."

Mark "You guys coming or what ?"

Jeno "Yeah."

Mom "Kids I want this to be the last time I hear you fought okay ?"

Lisa "Yees."

Mark "Yeah."

Dad "You guys shouldn't fight like that, especially the oldest and the youngest. That's not good."

Lisa "Hey, I'm not the youngest, Jeno is the same age as me."

Jeno "Yeah but you're the girl."

Lisa "Nobody asked you anything."

Jeno "Yeah right, you're just jealous because I'm considered older than you little girl."

Lisa "Stop calling me that. Just leave me alone."

Mark "Jeno stop it."

Jeno "Fine."

Mom "It's been a long time since we've spent time all together like that."

Lisa "Yes a really long time, we just miss Ethan. I hope he can actually come."

Dad "It's fine if he can't come, we don't want him to be in trouble with his company."

Mom "Okay, let's eat."

Lisa "Finally, I was starving."

You finished eating with your family, and helped your mother clean up when you finished a call came in.

Jeno "Yoo here, your boyfriend is calling you."

~Sweet And Sexy Boyfriend-Na Jaemin~Where stories live. Discover now