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Couples sway side to side in the center of Encino Oaks Country Club wrapped in decadent attire and flashy jewelry for everyone to admire. Jazz music plays throughout the room as I lean my head against my palm from the table I sit at.

"What'd I miss?" Erik asks out of the blue as he hurries into the ballroom, adjusting his tie in unison.

"Just about everything that would cause a need for a lobotomy." I deadpan, earning an awed expression from my sister.

"Lovely," She comments, "Dinner hasn't started yet."

"Perfect timing," He replies,

"Is my car still intact?" I question,

"Just hanging on by a thread." I raise my eyebrows to display my I amusement. "Yes, Sam. Geez, I'm not as bad of a driver as you are. It's safe and sound at home."

"At home?"

"Yeah, mom said there wouldn't be any parking so I caught a ride with one of my buddies." I attempt not to groan in response, knowing I'd have to stay as long as the rest of my family.

Ali's table is across the club, but in eyesight and I found Johnny's to be on the opposite end, almost making a triangle formation throughout the room.  The tension is noticeable when Johnny glances over occasionally but I just pretend I'm in a conversation with someone in attempt to not look like a complete loner.

Dinner is barely tolerable and by the end, the only thing I want to do is slide on my headphones and pretend I'm not stranded where I am. Couples begin dancing all over again and some migrate to each other's tables to begin speaking to one another. Ali's parents end up by us and the two moms immediately fall into a conversation full of laughter while the dads kind of sat on the sidelines.

Another woman ambles up, wrapped in pearls and a gray dress that rests just at her knees and her hair wrapped up in a fashionable collage.

"Oh, Laura, I've been meaning to catch you." Ali's mother beckons her over in an inviting manner, softly leading the other woman's shoulder into the conversation. "Michelle, this is Laura Lawrence and her son Johnny. Laura, these are the Emmeriks." My eyes flicker to the boy who appears behind the blonde woman, politely half hugging Mrs. Mills.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He smiles, charmingly and Erik's eyes are already shooting daggers at Johnny who appears unaffected.

"Welcome to Encino. Are these your children?" She asks kindly and my mother proudly turns around and introduces us each individually, causing me to muster a quick, delicate smile. "They're gorgeous." She comments quietly to her, placing a hand on her chest in awe.

They easily slide back into some sort of topic and my father goes to greet Johnny warmly.

"Nice to see you again, Johnny." My father begins, causing my face to go blank and my eyes double in size as I watch the interaction.

"You as well, sir." He flashes his teeth gladly.

"Are you coming around again anytime soon?" The older man asks, and Johnny's focus flickers for me for a second before he answers.

-DAUNTLESS- 𝑗𝑜ℎ𝑛𝑛𝑦 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒Where stories live. Discover now