The Act Of Treason

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An: In this chapter and the next one, Charlotte won't do much, this is more to show the relationship between Charlotte and Anne. 

In Charlotte's Room

No one POV 

Anne smiled at Charlotte as she read her a story in French and Anne said "Do you like this one, Charlotte, oh yes, this one was my favourite when I was young as well, I spent quite a bit of time in France." 

Anne smiled at her and said "And someday, you will be Queen of a nation, Wife of a King like I am, Your sister will live in France. But who knows, what your future entails, but I know this, that I shall be with you in spirit, I love you, my Little Lottie, I love you with all my heart, and I bid you never forget it."

She kissed her on the forehead. 

The Back stair case, the French Ambassador walked around and Anne walked up and the French Ambassador said "Majesty. Madame." 

Anne grabbed his hand and said "Monsieur Ambassador. I beg you. King Francis must be persuaded to accept the marriage of his son... our daughter Elizabeth so that I may not be ruined or lost. For I see myself very near that, and in more trouble and grief... ...than I was ever in before my marriage. I cannot speak to you more fully now... ...nor dare I express my fears in writing, but please.....after everything I've done for France... you love me, do the best you can for me.....for God's sake." 

Anne walked away. 

In Henry's Room, Henry was holding Charlotte and smiled at her and Jane walked in with John and Henry put Charlotte down. 

Henry said "Jane" and Jane curtised and said "Majesty. Princess Charlotte." 

Henry said "I have something for you." 

He gave her a locket and Henry said "Now open it" and Jane said "Thank you. I will treasure this all my life. And if they ever open my grave, they will find it again... ...right next to my heart." 

Charlotte began to cry and Henry looked over at Charlotte and said "Oh, it's alright" and he picked up Charlotte and a maid walked up and Henry said "It's alright, it's alright, dear girl." 

In Anne's Room, Anne was sitting down and was speaking to Nan and Anne said "I wonder why, after all this time he still will not marry Madge?" and Nan said "I think Norris comes into your chambers more... ...for Your Majesty than he does for Madge." 

Anne said "For me?" and Nan said "Yes" and Nan whispered and Anne said "Cromwell's rooms?" and Nan said "Yes." 

Anne looked over at Jane who was admiring the locket and handed her prayer book to Nan and got up and walked over to Jane and said "What is that?". 

Jane said "It's a locket, Your Majesty. " 

Anne said "Let me see it." 

Jane held it up and Anne said "Let me see it" and Jane held it closer and Anne grabbed it and opened it and saw the portrait of Henry and looked at Jane, enraged, and tore it off Jane and Jane gasped and Anne looked at her and gestured for her to leave. 

Jane walked away and Anne left the locket there. 

In Cromwell's Office 

Anne walked in and Anne said "Mr. Secretary." 

Cromwell said "Majesty. I have good news, Your Majesty. The bill for the dissolution of the large monasteries has just passed. Our reformation is moving apace." 

Anne said "I have been told privately, Mr. Secretary......that the king has already sold Sawley Abbey in one of his courtiers.....though the bill has not yet reached the statute book.....and plainly on your advice. Our reformation was never meant to be about personal gain. Religious houses should not be sold off, but converted to better uses." 

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