The Birth of Charlotte I

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The Queen's Room

No one POV 

Jane was brought in and Nan walked up to her and said " Lady Jane." 

Jane said "Yes" and Nan said "Her Majesty is just coming. You are not to speak anything to her until you are invited to." 

Jane said "Yes." 

Anne walked in heavily pregnant, and touched her stomach and everyone bowed and said "Your Majesty." 

She looks at the Clergymen and the Clergymen walked up and said "Mistress Seymour, will you place your hand upon this Holy Bible?". 

Jane put her hand on the bible and the Clergymen said "And will you promise and swear to serve Her Majesty Queen Anne.....faithfully, honourably and discreetly? And will you promise and swear that your conduct will always be modest... ...virtuous and good, presenting at all times a godly spectacle to others?". 

Jane said "I do so promise and swear." 

Anne walked up to her and said "Lady Jane." 

Jane said "Your Majesty." 

At the Chapel 

Henry and Anne walked in and everyone bowed and said "Your Majesty, your Majesty" and Henry looked at Jane and Anne noticed this.  Thomas Cranmer walks up and said "If Your Majesty will follow me. "

Anne followed him and Thomas Cranmer said "Good people......welcome. Here is the Queen's Majesty come.....this Maundy Thursday to give you alms and wash your feet." 

She walked around and said "God Bless you, god bless you" and some people looked around and one said "Will you look? This is twice as much as the old queen gave." 

Anne sat down and touched her stomach and washed some of their feet. 

At the Gardens 

Anne was touching her stomach and walked with Thomas Boleyn and Thomas said " The Seymours are an old and interesting family. Sir John fought beside the king during his French campaign. He also has two sons, Edward and Thomas. I hear the first is steady and cold, the other rash. But both are ambitious and greedy. Though they have all taken the oath......what is not yet known is how honestly and completely... ...they have renounced the old religion. It is something we must hope, before long, to discover." 

Anne said "And if we can?" and Thomas said "Then the tide of their ambitions can be turned and will ebb away.....and we shall hear no more of them." 

In Anne's Room, Anne was sitting with George as they played a game of chess and  Anne said "Do you know them?" and George said "Who? Know who?". 

Anne said "The Seymours." 

George said "I may have met Edward, the eldest son. He's a cold fish. I don't know about the others. " 

Anne said "Are you afraid of them?" and George said "Father thinks they may be secret supporters of Mary." 

Anne said "Mary, Mary. It's a pity she's not keeping company with her mother. They tell me she's ill again. And that the king has given permission for her removal.....from Elizabeth's household for her comfort." 

George said "It's an act of kindness, no more than that." 

Anne said "No. No, he's fond of her. He always was and he still is, though he pretends differently to my face." 

George said "How ill is she?" and Anne said "Very. So I'm told. With a fever and constant vomiting." 

George said "Then with God's good grace.....we may not have to meddle with her after all. Not that it matters, soon you'll have a son." 

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