Queen Charlotte I Tudor, The Spring Queen

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Queen Charlotte I Tudor was born in January 29, 1536. The Youngest child of King Henry the Eight and his second wife, Queen Anne Boleyn. Younger Sister to Elizabeth I. Younger Half Sister to Mary I. Elder Half Sister to Edward VI.

Charlotte was named a bastard along with her sister, Elizabeth after her mother was executed by her father when Charlotte was only a few months old, Anne loved her youngest daughter very much.

Charlotte was treated with disdain because she had her mother's looks. She had her father's eyes,and in her spirit, one could not doubt she was a Tudor, She eventually was put back into the line of sucession after her sister Elizabeth. She had a close relationship with her stepmothers, Queen Katherine Howard and Queen Anne of Cleves and Queen Catherine Parr. Charlotte was a protestant and was very bright, After the execution of her Step Mother Katherine Howard, Charlotte saw it in a different way than her sister did, realising that such a thing would not have happened, if she wasn't Queen, and declared that she would never want to be Queen, that would only do it out of duty.

After the death of her father, Her brother became King, He tried to marry her off but died before he could accomplish this, Charlotte was put in the care of her sister Mary who became Queen. Mary never jailed Charlotte as a threat, as she was aware Charlotte had no interest in being Queen. When Mary died, Elizabeth took the throne, Charlotte supported her sister, and Elizabeth gave her sister permission, and Charlotte married Alexander Stewart in 1559 , someone she was in love with and who was the heir to Mary Stewart. Alexander was the nephew to King James V, and cousin to Mary, Queen of Scots. Charlotte was supportive of her sister, and knew she did not want to marry even though she knew this meant that she would have to rule, but was supportive.

Charlotte would eventually be Queen after the death of her sister, but would only rule in the spring, as she would die of natural causes at the age of 67 on June 2nd, 1603. Charlotte's daughter Elizabeth Anne would succeed her and would have peace in Scotland as she married James VI , and both of them ruled Scotland and England together. But the agreement was that Elizabeth Anne was the Queen Regnant of England and James the King Regnant of Scotland. Charlotte was remembered as the Queen Matriarch, as after that, the Stuart Dynasty took over.

Charlotte I, Queen of England

Parents: King Henry the Eight and Queen Anne Boleyn

Siblings: Mary I, Elizabeth I, Edward VI

Spouse: Alexander Stuart

Children: Queen Elizabeth Anne Stuart, Mary Stuart, Edward Stuart, John Stuart, Alexander Stuart.

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