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White Hall, December 1540 

No one POV 

Culpepper was watching Katherine dance and Culpepper  said "How happy her Majesty must be, Lady Rochford. It seems to me she does nothing but dance and rejoice!" and Katherine said "She has every reason to be happy, Mr. Culpepper. The King spoils her. Almost every day he buys her new dresses or jewels. " 

Culpepper said "It seems he cannot treat her well enough!" and Jane Rochford said "I presume the King is also very happy?" and Culpepper said "His Majesty seems like a new man. He rises between 5 and 6 am, attends Mass at 7, rides out early to hunt, comes back at 10 for dinner, and attends to business in the afternoon. I think his new rule of living is intended to keep him fit if you understand me. I suppose he would needs be fit, if he wants to satisfy her. She is very... appealing." 

Jane Rochford said "She's just a fool, Mr. Culpepper. A sweet little fool!" and Culpepper said "How about you, Lady Rochford? It's been some time since George Boleyn's death;  You've not remarried?". 

Jane Rochford said " No." 

Charlotte walked around to see everyone dancing and was looking over there and Katherine said "Charlotte, come dance with us." 

Charlotte said "I don't know if I should, I don't want to" and Katherine said"Come on, don't tell me you don't want to dance, you can show me how good of a dancer you are." 

Charlotte said "I don't want to get in trouble" and Katherine said "You won't, I promise." 

Katherine held out her hand and Charlotte took it and Katherine twirled her around and said "Come on." 

Charlotte kept smiling and dancing and Katherine siad "Oh, your very good, Lady Charlotte" and Charlotte said "Thank you, your Majesty, thank you for doing me the honour." 

Katherine siad "Why wouldn't I, we are family, I don't know why you hide all this, your a very good dancer." 

Charlotte smiled and said "Thank you." 

They kept dancing. 

Culpepper said "It seems the Queen is getting quite close to the Lady Charlotte" and Jane Rochford looked at Charlotte dancing, and glared at her. 

Culpepper said "She is a good dancer for being so young, very cheery, is everything alright, Lady Rochford, perhaps it's her looks." 

Jane said "Yes, I'm sorry, but she reminds me of her mother, it's like looking at a ghost."

In Henry's Study 

The chamberlain walked in and said "The Duke of Suffolk, your Majesty." 

Charles walked in and Henry said "Charles, I have something I want to show you. I've had a medal struck to commemorate my marriage "Henricus VIII: Rutilands rosa sine spina." "My rose without a thorn." Tell me: how is Anne of Cleves?". 

Charles said "I believe she has settled into her new estates, and shows every sign of being grateful for your Majesty's charity and generosity. I also understand that she has maintained her relationships with your Majesty's daughters and often asks them to dine with her." 

Henry said "Risley." 

Risley said "Majesty" and Henry said " We shall write to the Lady Anne to thank her for being so conformable, and to assure her that if she continues in this way, she will find in us a perfect friend, content to repute her as our dearest sister." 

Risley bowed and said "Majesty." 

Risley walked away and Henry said "Does the Duchess love you any better, Charles?" and Charles said "She seems to... but only for the sake of appearances." 

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