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"Hi, Dino!" I waved to the girls as I walked towards my friends in the quad and was greeted by other people as well, waving to them. Since coming back, everyone has been extremely kind to me. Turns out Ji Young and her groupies, one of which is Seungcheol's other ex-girlfriend Jisoo, had been spreading a whole bunch of lies about me and telling people things and threatening people if they didn't pretend to hate me. With them gone, and everything else I'd been through, everyone was being super kind to me now. I can't say I entirely hated it.

"CHAN!" I gasped as Hoshi suddenly hugged me and laughed, waddling over to the grass where the others were with a tiger attached to me.

"Get off me!" I laughed and Hoshi pouted, retracting his octopus arms.

"Hey, baby!" I grinned at Seungcheol and sat down, leaning in to kiss him before he pulled me to sit in front of him. He hugged my neck then set his legs on either side of me, keeping me close to his chest now as I grabbed his legs and let him wrap around me.

"You're very cute, we get it!" Jeonghan giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, Princess!" I said and he grinned wide, Jisoo leaning over to peck his cheek.

"How was your first day back?" Jihoon asked and I hummed, looking up some as I thought.

"Everyone is really nice, my theater class threw me a welcome back party, my professors gave me full marks for all of my assignments I missed because they don't want to overwhelm me, and I even got a cake in my baking class!" I grinned and Seungcheol hummed, kissing my jaw.

"I'm glad, sweetie!" He said and I turned, grinning wide at him.

"Does this mean I can get something extra special for dinner tonight?" I asked and he chuckled.

"I actually have another plan. Do you think maybe you can get tonight free?" He asked and I pouted.

"Tonight? Hmm, I think I have a therapy appointment right after class, but I can besides that." I said and he beamed, kissing me. I was in love with how much he kissed me.

"Great! Then, we're going out after your appointment!" He said and I got so excited, I was almost shaking with excitement.

"God, you two are so cute, it's gross!" Jihoon scoffed and I shot him a look.

"You shut up, you angry kitten!" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Are you doing that thing tonight, Seungcheol?" He asked and I eyed my boyfriend, who nodded.

"Your connections really helped, Jihoon. Thanks for that." He said and Jihoon hummed.

"When you intern at a big name company like Big Hit, you get certain connections. Especially with the connection I gave you." He said and Seungcheol laughed.

"Either way, thank you." He said and I pouted.

"I want to know!" I whined and Seungcheol slid his hand into my hair, holding my head now as he softly kissed me.

"You will tonight, baby! Promise to be good until then?" He asked and I sighed.

"Fine!" I huffed and he grinned wide.

"I'm going to have one of them take you to therapy, baby. We have practice tonight." He said and I huffed.

"Don't be too long, okay?" I tried to beg and he smirked.

"And miss my awesome date with you? Not a chance." He said and looked at the others.


"I can take him." Wonwoo said and I smiled.

"And Seungcheol will pick you up, okay?" Wonwoo said and I nodded, happy to be here still. If I wasn't, I don't think I'd be able to experience all of this.


"And how do you feel about it?" Mrs. Jeong asked and I hummed.

"Excited! Seungcheol doesn't often plan us dates, but it's only been two weeks since I woke up. He's been pretty busy lately with baseball and school, so I've been hanging out with my friends. I'm really happy to have some Cheol time again!" I said and she grinned wide.

"Has he told you anything about tonight?" She asked, but I shook my head.

"No, he hasn't. I think it has to do with music though, because he thanked our friend Jihoon." I said and she nodded.

"The one who is studying music, right? And works for Big Hit?" She asked for clarification and I nodded.

"Yup! So, whatever it is, I'm sure I'll like it! I love music!" I giggled and she smiled.

"You seem pretty happy, Chan. Have you had any thoughts lately? About hurting yourself or trying again?" She asked, but I shook my head.

"No. I'm actually really sad that I did it to begin with, you know? Like, I hurt my friends! I hurt my family too! Even if they smile and laugh, I-I can see it. When I look at Seungcheol, sometimes he isn't fast enough and I can still see the fear there. He hates our home too, tries to stay out as much as he can. We've been looking for new places to live. I guess he doesn't like the bathroom, because it's where he... Yeah." I said and she nodded.

"It's understandable he hates the home. He nearly lost you in it, found you in his bathroom, found your note in his bedroom. When he goes home, he probably remembers the worst day of his life. I think it's an excellent idea to move. Even if it doesn't seem like it, our environments can greatly effect our moods." She explained and sighed.

"Well, Chan, I think it's time to lessen our time! I'd like to see you only two days a week from now on. How does that sound?" She asked and I beamed.

"I'd love that!" I sighed and she nodded.

"Our time today is up, but I have a feeling you have a very spectacular date ahead of you!" She said and I nodded, walking out with her. When we got to the lobby, I let out a breath as I saw Seungcheol in one of the chairs, talking on his phone, and beaming wide.

"No, momma- Yes, I love you too!" He laughed and hung up, smiling at me as he came over.

"Hey, gorgeous. You ready?" He asked and I nodded, looking at Mrs. Jeong.

"When is my next appointment?" I asked and she smiled.

"I want to see you Tuesday. Does that work for you?" She asked and I nodded.

"I'll make it work! Bye, Mrs. Jeong!" I waved and took Cheol's hand, going to his beat up Toyota with him. He opened the door for me then gave me a kiss before I got in, buckling up. He shut the door and came around to get in behind the wheel. When he turned the car on, he leaned over and kissed me again.

"Cheol!" I laughed and he grinned wide.

"I love kissing you! Sue me!" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'd rather just let you keep kissing me!" I chuckled and he grinned, pecking my lips.

"Cheol!" I giggled and shoved his face away.

"Let's go, or we'll be late!" He said and I sighed.

"Where are we even going?" I asked and he smirked at me, driving through the city. When we pulled up to Rolling Hall, a popular concert hall, I gaped as I saw BTS was performing tonight and turned to stare at my boyfriend.

"You didn't!" I breathed and he grinned, holding up two tickets.

"Front row, baby!" He said and I squealed, nearly jumping across the console to hug his neck and smother him in kisses.

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