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"Are you doing anything today after class?" I looked at Vernon and shook my head.

"Well, a few of us are getting together to get some drinks. Mingyu said to tell you Seungcheol won't be there." He said and I bit my lip, sighing as I walked down the sidewalk with my friend.

"Who will be?" I asked and Vernon hummed.

"I know Mingyu and Wonwoo, me obviously, I think Soonyoung too, Jihoon is going too. Maybe Jeonghan? I couldn't tell if he said Han or Hao." He said and I chuckled.

"Okay, I guess!" I sighed and he lit up.

"Yay! Okay, we'll meet up then at Mingyu's car after classes and we can go from there-"

"Don't they have practice though?" I asked, but Vernon shook his head.

"I guess Seungcheol got pulled before the board because of the locker room thing. It's merely a show to say 'hey, not even you can get away with this even if it was for your friend'. You know, to make sure everyone stays accountable. Mingyu said it wasn't actually anything to do with discipline or anything-"

"A play for everyone else to watch to say that not even Cheol is above the rules. Despite the Doek Min thing!" I said and he nodded.

"Speaking of..." Vernon trailed and I sighed.

"I'm okay. My lip is still a bit sore, but-"

"I was asking mentally, not physically." I looked at Hansol and smiled softly.

"I have a feeling I'll be drunk enough to spill my guts out tonight." I said and he chuckled.

"Alright, I'll keep a lid on my curiosity until then!" He said and I smiled, nodding as we got to the Gen Ed building.


"I mean, have you seen his ass?!" I rambled and the table laughed.

"Why doesn't it surprise me that you like Seungcheol?!" Jihoon asked and I groaned, grabbing my gin and tonic.

"Because that man is sex on legs and I have in fact seen his dick! He'd break me in half!" I said and Soonyoung looked so curious yet confused.

"How have you seen Seungcheol's dick before?" Jeonghan asked and I groaned.

"I was in middle school! It was a year before he moved out here! I forgot how to knock, he forgot to inform me his girlfriend of the time was over-"

"Oh!" Mingyu winced and I chuckled.

"And to think, that was five years ago!" I grinned and he shook his head.

"Wait, so, when exactly did you fall for him then if you've liked him for five years?" Wonwoo asked and I groaned, my head feeling less floaty.

"I-I need another drink first!" I complained and went to wave the bartender down for one when Hansol grabbed my arm.

"No way! You've already had seven, Chan, and I don't know how you are still upright!" He said and I grinned wide, holding Vernon's cheeks.

"You're such a sexy hyung! Look at you, taking care of me!" I giggled and he shook his head.

"If you remember this in the morning, I'm blackmailing you!"

"I'd expect no less of you, Turtle!" I giggled and fell against him.

"We should get him home." Mingyu said and I gasped, sitting up.

"Seungcheol is at home!" I cheered and put my hands up.

"I want to see Cheol!" I sang and Mingyu laughed, coming over to me.

"Yes, Dino, Seungcheol is home and we'll go see him!"

"Seungcheol is going to murder you for letting Dino get this drunk." Wonwoo said as he helped me into the car.

"When the fuck did we get outside?" I pouted and Mingyu sighed.

"Yeah, we're going home!" He said and buckled me in, shutting the door and going around to get behind the wheel as the others climbed in.

"I want to see Seungcheol!" I sang and Jihoon groaned when I laid against him.

"We're going to see him, Chan! Just hang on!" Jihoon soothed and I grinned, until my stomach turned.

"Gyu, I'm gonna hurl!" I warned and heard screams as Jihoon shoved me up and Mingyu yelled about being unable to pull over.

"Mingyu, seriously, I'm going to puke!" I warned and felt the car stop then the door opened right as I turned and puked. Right on Seungcheol's sneakers.

"What the hell?! How much did you let him drink?!" Seungcheol asked as he got me out, holding me up.

"Cheollie, I-I don't feel good!" I cried and he sighed, holding me up.

"I bet, Channie! Come on, let's get you inside, okay?!" He soothed and I sniffled.

"I-I threw up on you! 'M sorry!" I whined and he chuckled, stopping in front of the apartment door before he took me inside.

"Don't worry about it, baby! Let's just get you cleaned up and tucked into bed, okay?" Seungcheol softly spoke to me and took me to the bathroom. I grinned as I sat on the closed toilet lid then I opened my mouth, letting him brush my teeth. He kept grumbling about me being drunk out of my mind, but I barely paid him any mind as I let him cart me around, eventually tucking me into bed.

"Go to sleep, Dino." Seungcheol soothed and pet my hair, leaving me to sleep.

Seungcheol's POV
I walked into the living room then saw Mingyu holding the back of the couch that he sat on, Jihoon, Wonwoo, Soonyoung, Vernon, and Jeonghan all silent and knowing I was pissed.

"How many drinks did he have?!" I asked and Mingyu sighed.

"Seven gin and tonics! We didn't think-"

"Mingyu, he is not like you or me or even Wonwoo! He can barely hold a seltzer!" I yelled and Mingyu flinched.

"I'm sorry-"

"Do you even know what he's allergic to?!" I asked and Mingyu's eyes widened.

"He-he's allergic to something?!" He asked and I scoffed.

"He's allergic to apples and pineapple!" I told him and Mingyu shook his head.

"Seungcheol, I-I didn't- We didn't know-"

"What if he'd ordered an apple drink, huh?! Or something with a pineapple slice?! Or some random person he decided to touch had?!" I asked and he slumped.

"Seungcheol, really, we didn't-"

"Chan could have died, Jihoon!" I yelled and his face fell now.

"You're not mad." Jeonghan accused me and I scoffed.

"No, I'm not mad! I'm fucking worried! I had no idea where Chan was for hours then I get a fucking text from Jeonghan telling me that you're bringing home a drunk-off-his-ass Chan! And when I do see him, the first thing he does is hurl on my shoes!" I spit and Mingyu sighed.

"We just thought the kid could use a few drinks after the last couple of weeks! We didn't think he'd get this drunk, really!" He said and I huffed.

"Don't do it again!" I said and turned, going to my room and trying to lay down. Before long, I was laying on the futon in Chan's room, listening to his breathing and finally falling asleep with him safely home.

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