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"Has he been here the whole time?"

"Mhm! He wouldn't leave your side unless your parents, his parents, or your friends forced him! I think he's afraid to go to the house where you two lived."

"He looks so exhausted!"

"He'll be better now that you're back." I groaned and moved my hand, rubbing my eye now as I slowly woke up.

"Speak of the angel!" I heard and yawned, stretching my arms over my head.

"I shouldn't have slept here!" I groaned and Nurse Hong grinned wide.

"I tried to move you, but you kept grumbling, you know! It was so cute! He refused to move!"

"Who are you talking to?" I asked and finally peeled my eyes open all the way. Though they shot open when I saw the wide smile and beautiful brown eyes watching me from beneath long lashes.

"Chan?!" I breathed and he giggled.

"Hi- Oof!" I hugged him tightly and felt his arms wrap around me as a fresh wave of tears hit me.

"You're awake!" I cried and he tensed in my arms then sighed, relaxing some as his hand slid into my hair.

"I'm here, Cheol! I'm so sorry! I-I tried to take it back, but-"

"Don't you ever do this to me again!" I argued and looked at him, holding his cheeks and making sure he looked at me.

"What if I had lost you, Chan?! Then what?! And what would your parents do?! And our friends! What would I do?!" I snapped and, despite my tone, he started to laugh.

"I'm sorry I scared you so badly, Cheol!" He softly said and I sighed, shaking my head as I hugged him.

"I don't care! I'm just so happy you're back!" I sobbed and held him close, sniffling into his shoulder.


"And you can't take any medication without supervision. We will allow you to return home, given your friend's position on keeping you here longer-"

"Wait, what?" Chan asked and I sighed as the doctor glanced at Jihoon.

"Jihoon threatened his balls if they tried to keep you here. Then he threatened more violence and gave them his 'Jihoon Glare'." I said and Chan smiled softly.

"I'm really sorry to have scared everyone." He mumbled and Jun huffed.

"We know, Dinosaur, and that's enough for us!"

"But don't you ever do this again!" Jihoon spit and Chan grinned wide, glancing at me.

"Cheol already threatened my life if I tried."

"Sort of defeats the point of not doing this then, right?" Soonyoung asked and the doctor chuckled.

"Are you up to speaking with the police, Chan? They just have a few questions for you." He said and I looked at Chan, who grabbed my hand and smiled.

"We'll be right here, Chan. Or outside, if you don't want us here." I promised and he looked at the doctor then nodded.

"I'm up to it, as-as long as my friends can stay." He said and the doctor nodded, going to get the cops. While he was gone, I laced my fingers with Chan's and he frowned at our hands, looking at me some. I hoped my silent message was loud enough for him, and it seems it was.

"Oh, for fuck's- Chan, Seungcheol is in love with you! Seungcheol, Chan is head over heels in love with you and your apparently big dick! There, bone!" Jihoon huffed and I felt my face burn as Chan gaped, looking between Jihoon and me.

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