Chapter 13-Oh god not this again

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Rosie's ceiling was plain white. There was nothing up there but from the way she had been lying there staring at it for a good hour you'd think it was the most interesting thing ever.

Once they'd gotten back to the Wheelers, the long walk being filled with silence apart from a few shouts for El, Rosie and Dustin went straight home before going to their respective rooms.

They hadn't seen each other since arriving home but at around dinner time Dustin had knocked on her door and left two pieces of peanut butter toast at her door.

The sound of ABBA playing through her room relaxed her brain as millions of thoughts from throughout the day kept flowing in and out.

What interrupted her thoughts was a knocking at her window that she at first thought was just something like a twig hitting it from the window.

But when the sound came again she groaned getting up from her bed to go over and pull the curtain aside. She was met with the face of none other than Steve Harrington whose face worried Rosie slightly as he looked upset about something.

"What are you doing here?" She asked once the window opened.

"Can I come in?" He asked completely ignoring her question. Rosie nodded with a sigh moving out the way from him to very ungracefully make his way into her room.

"Now will you tell me why you're here?" She asked but Steve never gave her a vocal answer. Instead he simply moved forward and hugged the girl burying his head into the crook of her neck.

She couldn't remember the last time Steve hugged her. Properly hugged her. So she wrapped her arms around him and held him close. "She was with Byers" Steve muttered in her ear.

"What?" Rosie asked pulling away from him slightly to look in his eyes that had tears threatening to fall.

"I went over to Nance's house and saw her with Byers" Rosie couldn't believe what she was hearing and she wasn't completely sure if Steve was lying to her or not "They were sitting on her bed and he had his arm wrapped around her and everything"

"Okay well that doesn't mean anything happened between them" Rosie could tell Steve was worried about his relationship with Nancy and wasn't thinking straight. "Maybe it was just about his brother"

"You don't get it Ro okay I know what I saw" he said slumping down to sit on her bed "You didn't see how they were looking at each other"

"I'm sorry Stevie" Rosie sat down next to him and at the same time the pair laid back so they were staring at her ceiling with their legs dangling off the bed.

"I wish I could just stay here for ever" Rosie spoke making Steve look at her "No missing boys, no fights or arguments. Just peace"

As Steve looked at Rosie he noticed parts of her he never thought too before. How her hazel eyes had small flecks of green in them, her hair being wild and crazy around her head. It was simple things but he never saw them before.

When Rosie turned to face him and caught him staring he cleared his throat and quickly got up from the bed and started walking towards the window. "Well I better get going. Don't want to piss of my dad anymore than he usually is by being out too late"

"Alright" Rosie said as she walked towards the window. "We can talk whenever you want" she told him pulling him close and giving him a last hug he lightly returned before he climbed out the window allowing her to relax on her bed again staring back at the ceiling.

However Rosie's peace would be disturbed once more as across town Oliver was as bounding down stairs to find his mother and ask her a question.

"Mom" he called out entering the living room where she was sat next to their father as they watched tv "Do you have the Hendersons number in your phone book?"

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