Chapter 37

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" Namjoon , how are you? " Namgil asked as he looked at his brother who was smiling back at him but it didn't quite reach his eyes , is he not happy?How can that be? When he's with her? He thought of the scene he had witnessed , how she sat there surrounded by them , smiling at them who smiled back and it wasn't fake .

Namjoon looked at his brother and sighed , he reminded him of that day when Namgil had asked Haeun to marry him , would she have even looked his way? Was it just pity? Or just political reason? Is it that hard for her to like him? But after what happened and the misunderstanding she might have he can't blame her .

" Not quite...she's avoiding me , when I had recieved the news about..." he couldn't bring himself to say those words and Namgil felt surprised as he looked at his brother , he knew Haeun was different from others but what did she do to make Namjoon like this? He didn't seem upset because he couldn't get her favour but like it's actually affecting him
" I went to mother , I thought she would help get to Haeun but instead she locked me up " Namjoon said as he set his jaw thinking of how he wanted to run away
" When I finally manage to leave , she was already here and now she thinks that I ran away the moment I got that news , now in her eyes I'm just a man who's by her side for benefits and there's no way she ever trust me , you know the night before she left , she had...come to me , she treated no one ever did , it was after so many years that I felt  that warmth in my heart and soul " Namgil glanced down at his brother's hand , then does that mean? He looked at Namjoon who had a smile on his lips as he seemed to be lost in the memories of that night .

" Why don't you tell her the truth? " Namjoon was pulled out of his thoughts by his brother's question and frowned , mother warned me , I can't tell her the truth , anyways now she won't even trust if I say anything . Mother had went to her to explain everything and to....get me become the main consort but she refused , and then she set up a wedding ceremony for Seokjin " Namjoon said as he gritted her teeth , he didn't like Seokjin but he had thought that if he could get Haeun' then he won't mind him but now it was like that man was rubbing in her face how important he was to Haeun . What he couldn't understand is that why would Haeun keep him as her  main consort ? Can he really manage the Harem? That guy is....not strong enough to handle it , Namjoon had seen how his uncle had to manage the Royal Harem with authority , in Namjoon's eyes even Jimin could do that but Seokjin? 

" You're intelligent but yet so silly Namjoon " Namgil said as Namjoon frowned back at him " Your mind only works in those books? Can't you use it for your surrounding? In your life? She's your wife , the one you would spend your whole life , if you lie to her the distance between both of you will only stretch more , and our mother....once you aren't usefull she won't go out of her way to help you ! " Namjoon rolled his eyes as he looked at his brother " Hyung do you think I trust our mother? That I don't know how important fame and benefits are for her then us? "

" If you understand and yet don't do anything then you're a fool , you and Seokjin are quite similar " Namjoon's frown deepen not liking how his brother compared him to Seokjin " I'm nothing like him , he's a coward and fool "

" He's atleast smarter then you to know his priorities , he loves his mother Namjoon and his more ruthless then ours , but still he went against her for Haeun , he gave her a reason to trust him , he showed her what she means to him . But you , since day one you only showed her how you wanted that main consorts position but did you once try to show her how you wanted her? Not third princess but just Haeun , your wife Haeun? " Namjoon thought deep after listening his brother , even if he didn't want to he can't deny that Namgil was right , he was introduced to her by the empress and it was indirectly to tell her to replace Seokjin with him , he did liked but he also wanted to get all the praises and that position to feel accomplished , that he wasn't useless " Being a main consort isn't everything....look at me Namjoon "
He looked at Namgil who smiled back at him but he could see how it didn't shine his eyes , how it held the sadness , he heart broke for his brother " I...I heard that she's quite closr to General Yoongi , is it  ? " Namjoon thought of that man who always followed Haeun , wherever she goes he follows her , sometimes Namjoon felt envious of him .

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